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    Why Did They Change?

    Couldn't pick an answer because neither of those really work What happened to COB was they didn't wanna be put into any ONE metal genre so they kept mixing it up. And now no other music sounds like bodom, because they kept changing it up, and they still do.
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    We Are The Void

    Wow...a good few people dislike it, which surprises me. I like the album, it's not as good as fiction, but i dont think it's right to judge and album based on the album that came before it, not every album is going to be the same, the style isn't hardly comparable. They made something really...
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    Hatecrew Death Roll vs Are You Dead Yet, Blooddrunk and Relentless Reckless Forever

    I know that people who choose the new stuff will be called LaMe, but alas i have to. See, I love Relentless,Reckless,Forever so much, and AYDY is a good album because they showed a side of them they hadn't ever shown before. When i think of HCDR i think that alot of it sounds the same, and even...
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    I'm kinda new to this thread so I'll just give my opinion on satan. Feel free to reply. Satan, to me, is a kind of life force, flowing through you. The force that pushes you toward carnal desires, and makes you want to do the things that all humans naturally want to do (Having sex out of any...
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    NO FILESHARING! Discuss the album, NOT WHERE TO FIND IT!

    So, after my initial listen and with the help of the amazing almost-all inclusive lyrics i have came to a personal about the album. The shit is badass. Haters from the AYDY and BD eras can eat a fat dick, because this new album is proof that COB still have every bit of whatever they thought was...
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    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    I am here and now joining the people who say the song names are not VERY important. Wait until you hear something
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    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    If there was a better way to piss everyone off.......
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    This is one of my own works. Fondness for Winter Way beyond what’s known, Where the pines stop to grow, There’s a little well, with a spring, Drink the water and feel like a king. Ride high upon esteem as it takes you there. Give up life, and all at once your cares. Once through...
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    Wintersun and Necrophagist

    I say wintersun because we've actually seen some kind of output "the experimental artwork".
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    Guitar Player's Thread

    12-60 gauge in my modified drop C "C-G-C-D-F-A"
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    What are you listening to?

    lately ive been listening to alot of melodic black/death metal. alot of interesting things in this genre.
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    Guitar Player's Thread

    I'm a little late, but just saying. Bass.
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    Deathcore music

    Deathcore has never sat very well with me. But every once in a while, everyone needs a fix of something like that. but the bands i go to are suicide silence, and the good bring me the horizon album.
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    Role Models

    Role models are a formality of life, everyone IS a role model. If someone sees what you're doing and thinks that they could be into the same stuff, you have become one of their role models.
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    The new shirt!!!

    Maybe the change in shirt art is a sign of things to come musically, looking at this new shirt compared to older ones, it has a more refined and classic feel. Perhaps upcoming bodom will be more neo-classical and technical, Alexi and Roope have said that they will be using material they had...
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    New Necrophagist

    Technique yes, but everyone has their own i've found. It's not like do it this way or it's wrong, it's more open and subject to opinion.
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    Guitar Player's Thread

    Has anyone heard of the band decrepit birth? I heard about them a few years back and invested in the album they had out then and hated it. But today my friends brought me their new album, and well...holy shit, this album is bomb, and they're writing a new album/recording one right now. Just...
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    What are you listening to?

    Cryhavoc, the whole discography is on shuffle.
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    Rate my Band

    hey...i will. :kickass:
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    New Necrophagist

    I see where everyones coming from with the important production thing, but production is NO WHERE near as important as the raw black metal...they take this principle too far, BUT ST. Anger is no where near as....qshshshshshshshshshshshhhssssshhhhsss, as raw black metal.