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  1. The Yngster

    Setlist from the new tour

    I knew they were gonna bring out one of the long songs for the encore, I was hoping it would be DWoT too cause I hadn't seen it but I was happy either way, the oddysey translates really well live
  2. The Yngster

    OT: The beer thread

    :lol: Its the most glorious thing I've ever owned, I can practically fit 3 beers in it
  3. The Yngster

    OT: The beer thread

    its essentially a giant glass coffee mug, fits a liter of liquid in it
  4. The Yngster

    Setlist from the new tour

    I think special surprise songs aren't really the band's thing, Jax has said multiple times that Romeo is a perfectionist and wants to stick to the songs that they have well rehearsed and know they can nail perfectly. The new songs were great, I hadn't seen Communion and the Oracle in awhile...
  5. The Yngster

    Pics from BB Kings!!

    Ha so that was one of you guys who went up on the shoulders. I saw someone go up and then come back down pretty quickly, I assumed it was a failed attempt at crowdsurfing
  6. The Yngster

    NYC Gig

    Awesome awesome show, Set the World on Fire was the highlight of the show for me
  7. The Yngster

    OT: The beer thread

    My girlfriend just got me a badass giant beer glass from Germany and I need fancy pants beers to put in it. Any suggestions?
  8. The Yngster

    NYC Gig

    I just called the club and its confirmed that there are NO openers and the band should be going on at 8 sharp
  9. The Yngster

    NYC Gig

    i dont know if i could sit through 5 hours of any band
  10. The Yngster

    NYC Gig

    I was under the impression that tonight was just SX, no openers
  11. The Yngster

    NYC Gig

    Does anyone know how long the band will play for? The ticket says the show starts at 8 although I doubt that'll happen
  12. The Yngster

    Paradise Lost Samples

  13. The Yngster

    Paradise Lost Samples

    Im gonna hop on board with what seems to be the common opinion, which is that music is awesome and I like the heavy riffs but the harsh vocals are too overused
  14. The Yngster

    help a bro out.

    How did you guys not get tickets for this show weeks ago? BB Kings isn't a huge place, the band is releasing a new cd, and they're rapidly growing in popularity, I'm not surprised its sold out at all
  15. The Yngster

    Heart Broken!

    If I make music purely for my own enjoyment and because its a hobby, and people just happen to enjoy it then I don't think I would owe them anything, because it wasn't written specifically for them. Not saying this is the case with SX of course, but just saying bands don't always have to get on...
  16. The Yngster

    Heart Broken!

    meh, not that important, just curious
  17. The Yngster

    Heart Broken!

    Whats the bands stance on downloading the cd early but still buying it when it comes out?
  18. The Yngster

    Sonata Arctica - Unia

    lol, i don't think you can possibly call any of Sonata's lyrics "great" unless you mean it in the sense that theres definitely translation issues and the phrasing is so awkward you have to laugh. haven't heard their new cd yet but I can't wait to see them live again in September, they put on an...
  19. The Yngster

    Matt Barlow and Pyramaze

    Zach did you read his statement? He didn't join Pyramaze because he wanted to make a grand triumphant return to crush whatever tiny testicles other power metal singers have... he said that he joined them because they're working class guys who are still really dedicated to their music, which is...
  20. The Yngster

    Into Eternity and Dream Theater...

    any chance more dates will be added?