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    Learning to growl/scream?

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    New Misery Signals song wtf happened to them... sounds like a Born of Osiris song that kick :Puke:
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    Northlane - Singularity

    holy clipping was this mixed by Putney? maybe it was another structures situation and the band made him make it that insanely loud. or youtube?
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    Just sharing some of my mixes from Fascination Street and my home studio

    It's weird I see this thread cause even though I just started getting paid work I'm starting to feel the same. I'm just not having as much fun with it as I thought I would or a year ago when I would mix. I've been producing beats for rappers and I just got my first album placement and I...
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    expert village delivers again

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    expert village delivers again

    tad donley the god
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    Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

    amazing. kurt ballou brings it with his production of course
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    UNDEROATH to disband

    sucks. Their last 2 releases were so good
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    Some cool death metal song...come and listen :)

    quick mix, thanks for these tracks!!!
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    I loovvve Metro Zu. this is my favorite rap song of the year. The official video is awesome btw
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    STEMS. POST-HARDCORE. how many of you would mix it if i posted?!

    here's my go (super quick like 20 mins lol) Thanks for these files! The DI's are freaking god like
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    Mixing & Mastering Service

    some random stuff I've mixed that was posted on this forum. Got some stuff lined up but the bands are still recording, hit me up!
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    DI's For Mixing Practice! Heavy/Melodic Metal

    my attempt: thanks for these files :]
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    Some awesome info on Steve Evetts/DEP

    One of my favorite producers. It's kind of hard to find stuff about him or his techniques but here is some cool info I found mostly about recording the last Dillinger album but also some of the common things he does/uses:
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    Mixing & Mastering Service

    Someone keep me busy! Charging insanely low right now
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    [question] Maintaining consistency through entire record

    I do everything in one session, it is 10x easier. I can't imagine doing one session per song. It can get a bit crazy when automating but its way better than having to make a change and then adjust it for 9 other sessions
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    Recommend me a video game (XBox 360)

    Bioshock. Now.
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    Mixing practice v2 LAND.mp3 mine :]
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    NERVE END - AXIS EP (free stream / download) (includes STEMS, DIs and MIDI)

    Here is my quick mix: ignore the cut off intro.. Thank you for these raw files! awesome song.
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    Do you guys double track guitars?

    I'm surprised how many quad, it's overboard and unnecessary imo most of the time. I just 2 100& L/R, and a nice bass sound