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  1. AeonicSlumber

    Killer "new" instrumental group.

    highly recommended in the same style.
  2. AeonicSlumber

    Members Of Atheist, Testament, King Diamond unite In Metaspherical...

    One of the guys in Kvelertak actually plays without a pick too! I just gave this track a spin and am absolutely loving it!! holy shit!!!
  3. AeonicSlumber

    Red Eleven: Groovy Finnish rock

  4. AeonicSlumber

    Another day, another shooting. Welcome to America.

    His whole post is really, really stupid. Don't even bother.
  5. AeonicSlumber

    Another day, another shooting. Welcome to America.

    These shootings are horrible, make no mistake, but it always bothers me when people cling to wanting to get rid of guns when our military and police kill way more (innocent) people and consistently abuse their power. If we should be suppressing anything, it should be THEM. That being said...
  6. AeonicSlumber

    New Trivium

    I don't like how he clearly took a lot of his vocal cadence and arrangements from Draiman. It doesn't suit him at all.
  7. AeonicSlumber

    Unexpect calls it quits

    Oof - not to rub it in your face or anything, but this was one of the coolest live shows of any band I've ever seen. Seen 'em like 3x.
  8. AeonicSlumber

    Working with family sucks sometimes

    This is a tough call but it sounds like you're doing the best as a manager to handle the situation. If he keeps fucking up and in spite of all your efforts it sounds like you've got no other choice but to let him go. Definitely not an easy decision though. Kudos for putting up with it as well...
  9. AeonicSlumber

    Metal Fans Liberal or Conservative?

    Oh dear J-Man! How much did your optometrist charge for that rose-tint? You mean the nation that brought us the PMRC in the 80's, the "code" that the movie industry self-imposed on films lasting from the 30's all the way to the 60's, the culture at large that frowned on homosexuality...
  10. AeonicSlumber

    Fin'amor - atmospheric doom/death

    I saw these guys open for Alcest and Enslaved in like 2011 or 2012 and thought they were pretty awful, and that's coming from someone who absolutely loves this style.
  11. AeonicSlumber


    Not an apples to apples comparison. While crowd funding is legally donating, artists generally offer up incentives for crowd funding. If I give a band $20 to fund the album, I would (generally) get the album for doing so. On the other hand, relying on your customer base to fund the start of a...
  12. AeonicSlumber

    The best death metal album you'll hear all year:

    Yeah they turned into some lame absurd hipster band. Check out their first album, The Horror. It's great.
  13. AeonicSlumber

    The best death metal album you'll hear all year:

    Sounds a bit too much like Immolation imo.
  14. AeonicSlumber

    SOILWORK : The Ride Majestic

    Ever since David from Night Flight Orchestra joined this band I've been super into their songs.
  15. AeonicSlumber

    New LEPROUS video

    Musically brilliant that is, but if you ever listen to them talk about anything else they are pants on head out of their fucking minds Dave Mustaine crazy if you ask me. I always got more of a Queen or The Mars Volta vibe from Leprous than Radiohead/Muse though. Love the new album.
  16. AeonicSlumber

    New Symphony X album Underworld in July!!!!

    I've got one too. You have to be able to make fun of yourself and the things you like if you want to be truly open minded.
  17. AeonicSlumber

    New Symphony X album Underworld in July!!!!

    I got into them right before The Odyssey dropped, so I too kind of fell into the "angry" Russ vibe first, but let's be real - it's a fucking insane criticism from "fans" of the band. Symphony X was never Yes or Porcupine Tree. They always played metal, always relied on being very very heavy...
  18. AeonicSlumber

    New Symphony X album Underworld in July!!!!

  19. AeonicSlumber

    MegadetH Pledgemusic campaign...

    Very good points. I don't disagree, and again, I think Megadeth sucks and that Dave is a piece of garbage.