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  1. mindspell


    Big hugs from the doppleganger
  2. mindspell


    I am practising to be a guitar deity and have my eye on a girl that LARPs...
  3. mindspell


    I'm way better looking.
  4. mindspell


    I am Mister Vain.
  5. mindspell

    music thread: what things have you been listening to lately

    Handel - Organ Concerti.
  6. mindspell

    MoTW on QT

    Girl in Questionable Content is wearing a MoTW shirt for the past two comics:
  7. mindspell

    Mindspell and I are hanging out tomorrow Pics of Belgrade, including Draconic ACTION SHOTS! And some pron.
  8. mindspell

    Mindspell and I are hanging out tomorrow

    Possibly but my brain wasn't stomaching it. Azal is quite the gentlemen indeed. Showed me around, I had a Draconic private concert and had a great time. Now if the fucking bank would get their shit in order it would be awesome....
  9. mindspell

    Mindspell and I are hanging out tomorrow

    Pics were made, postage when I get back. Hopefully more of Azal in compromising situations...
  10. mindspell

    ITT: greg plays with his new toys

  11. mindspell

    Attn: Mia

    I got just the thing for you Violin Weapon!
  12. mindspell

    you guys

    Happy birthday GREG!
  13. mindspell

    you guys

    You've turned to the dark side. I am sad.
  14. mindspell

    TARTAR LAMB - "Sixty Metonymies" is now available!!!

    Vital Weekly review (if you can call it that...): Of a totally different kind is Tartar Lamb, a duo of one Toby Driver and Mia Matsumiya. They only get together as such to perform this work, '60 Metonymies' for violin and guitar, which was written by Toby driver, although they might come...
  15. mindspell

    ATTN: Azal

    Not sure yet, I have to plan out the trip but I am expecting to stay 3-4 days or something like that.
  16. mindspell

    ATTN: Azal

    I wasn't planning on banging any prostitutes, I was hoping for fat goth chicks... I guess that's you territory so I might not go there... We'll see how broke I am but I was planning to just grab a bed in a hostel...
  17. mindspell

    ATTN: Azal

    Hey, I know I've been saying this forever but now its true: I am coming to Belgrade to make sweet love to you. Seriously I am going there in the fall, probably be there around the 10th of October. It would be cool to go have a beer at least... with KY jelly ...and a ball-gag.
  18. mindspell

    I have been extended an offer

  19. mindspell

    I bought a house today

    Holy shit, that's a lot of taxes. I pay for premium almost downtown real-estate, although its only a condo, but I pay 1100$ of taxes a year.... and I thought we were a socialist province...
  20. mindspell

    I've heard alot of string tributes to rock bands

    I just watched 10 minutes of the special on youtube and its definitly cringe worthy. I mean, some Korn songs are ok but they definitly donèt stand the "unplugged" test. Man does it suck.