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  1. DigitalViolence


    Anybody heard of them? They're an Australian Prog/Melo-Death band (I hate labels/sub-genre classifications). Anyway, after a listen on YouTube, I've picked up their latest album Of Breath And Bone and (not to put too fine a point on it) it's fucking immense. :kickass::rock: I've got the Remnants...
  2. DigitalViolence

    R.I.P. Compact Discs

    I think it's unfortunate, but it's the way things are going. I remember 33rpm LPs and the sense of occasion when you bought one. The advent of CDs reduced this sensation and digital downloads have wiped it out completely.
  3. DigitalViolence

    First song release - Of Age and Origin - Part 1 (A Violent Day)

    Part 2 kicks immense quantities of arse! I love Paul's vocal harmony. That's something that should definitely be used again in the future! :grin:
  4. DigitalViolence

    A serious question...

    I came to ND through some rave reviews of Novella. I took a chance and bought it, and played it pretty much constantly for a month. Then I bought TPHD and loved it also. When INRI came out I liked it at a lot, but possibly not as much as Novella. Having listened to Aphotic once, I'm massively...
  5. DigitalViolence

    Info on the new album...

    I suppose it's a bit premature to ask about a supporting tour (with maybe some UK dates)?
  6. DigitalViolence

    A Eulogy For the Living Lost - Video!

    Cracking song and a cracking video! :)
  7. DigitalViolence

    My 5 year old daughter......

    My daughters (nearly 7 & nearly 10) like Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers & High School Musical. I beginning to wonder if they're mine!
  8. DigitalViolence

    2010 Live Dates

    No UK shows? :waah:
  9. DigitalViolence

    Your Top 2009 releases so far...

    The new Megadeth is excellent - I was surprised how good it was. The opening instrumental really reminds me of Into The Lungs Of Hell from So Far.. So Good.. So What. Anybody else get that vibe? I was looking forward to the new Scar Symmetry album, but from what I've heard, the two new...
  10. DigitalViolence

    A review worthy of it's own thread...

    The guy clearly doesn't understand subtlety and nuance. Of course, any band that mixes death growls with more melodic vocals or has time and mood changes in their songs is ripping off Opeth. :rolleyes: As Paul said, he's entitled to his own opinion, but what we have here is someone reviewing...
  11. DigitalViolence

    OT: I'm in the Navy.

    Congratulations Will. I joined the Royal Navy straight from school aged 16. I was a WEM(R) which is Weapons Engineering Mechanic (Radar). Basically I serviced and installed radar and missile guidance systems. It taught me a lot about myself as well as lessons for life. I think everyone should...
  12. DigitalViolence

    Ten Masked Men

    I've just come across this bunch of loonies. Basically, they take a cheesy pop song and do a death metal cover of it. Ever wanted to hear a death metal cover of Easy Lover by Phil Collins? No problem. Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake? The world is your lobster as some would say! Might...
  13. DigitalViolence

    how were you introduced to November Doom!?

    I read a review of The Novella Reservoir on Transcending The Mundane. Heard a couple of tracks off the net and then went out and bought TNR followed by The Pale Haunt Departure and To Welcome The Fade.
  14. DigitalViolence

    Without being too much a nub ...

    That cover kicks so much arse it's unbelievable. He should do more!
  15. DigitalViolence

    Michael Jackson died today.

    I've been invited to Michael Jackson's funeral - it doesn't matter if I wear black or white.
  16. DigitalViolence

    Your Top 2009 releases so far...

    I've gone from having a Power Metal phase to Funeral Doom of Shape Of Despair. When I'm working, I tend to just put my music player on random.
  17. DigitalViolence

    Video Games!

    I've been playing Supreme Commander lately. It rocks. I managed to pick it up for £8 from my local Game store.
  18. DigitalViolence


    Excellent track, guys. Bodes very well for the new album.
  19. DigitalViolence


    Is that a US release date or worldwide? Can't wait!
  20. DigitalViolence

    Hey guys check out my new website.

    Nice one, Vito! The lessons section looks like it might be interesting. What sort of thing do you have planned for that section?