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  1. Phantom00700

    AVIAN UNPLUGGED 01/18/2009

    As I write this I am now listening to you guys perform "The Fear" and I must say that I'm happy I stayed up to listen to you guys. When I first heard that there was going to be an acoustic set I was skeptical, but you guys pulled it off. Even with a song like "As the World Burns" you managed...
  2. Phantom00700

    Review of the new album

    Ok, I was just wondering cause I'm a huge Kamelot fan and I recognized Casey's name. Also I'm glad you found a drummer that lives nearby, he sounds really great too.
  3. Phantom00700

    So, illegal downloads don't hurt anyone, eh? (Update from Mattias)

    Mattias's artwork is great too, it sucks to see that happening to good people. Although you can go to (which is Mattias's website) and get copies of the artwork from From the Depths of Time. Also a good alternative to illegal downloading is using a website like
  4. Phantom00700

    Review of the new album

    Actually I have a question about this album too... What did Casey Grillo do for you guys? I saw that he was thanked a few times in the booklet.
  5. Phantom00700

    Review of the new album

    Well I'm not one for long reviews, but this album is definitely up there with the likes of Kamelot and Nightwish. Now I'm still new to metal (I mostly listen to power/prog. metal) but with the few acts I know of haven't made a great album like this one. Keep up the excellent work and you'll...
  6. Phantom00700


    I was at the show and it was the best night of my life, not to mention it was my first concert ever! You guys sounded fantastic even though the sound quality was poor, and not just for you guys... Kamelot had terrible sound too. I only wish I had a digital camera so I could have taken halfway...
  7. Phantom00700

    Just Thought I'd Introduce Myself

    Hey, I just joined the forums. I can't say I'll be here to much but I'll try to show up sometimes. I picked up the new album with some of my Christmas money and I must say it's 10x better than the first, and that's saying something as the first was impressive.