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  1. Simon92

    Turisas to tour australia!!!

    I know heaps of threads have been started like this, But I really, really need to see Turisas live... Anyone have any news that may enlighten me?
  2. Simon92

    CD/DVD-Version queries

    thanks Mathias, might start me up a collection :)
  3. Simon92

    CD/DVD-Version queries

    haha ok, ill probably buy the directors cut as well :)
  4. Simon92

    TURISAS: No New Album Before 2010

    I actually have added that haha, sounds like a plan to me!
  5. Simon92

    Introduction thread

    I've loved Turisas for ages, only found this board a couple of days ago though.
  6. Simon92


    Great ideas, I've been planning for a concert here, even planning to make a tunic for the show :)
  7. Simon92

    Have you met any of the members?

    No.... But I am praying that I do get to some day, It would make my LIFE!
  8. Simon92

    CD/DVD-Version queries

    Hey, I just bought a Paganfest Tour Edition of The Varangian Way and I'm just wondering what its about. Is it a limited edition? Rare? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Simon
  9. Simon92

    The next album of Turisas?

    I just want to see a new album, and maybe some Australian Tour Dates :rock:
  10. Simon92

    TURISAS: No New Album Before 2010

    Does that meen that I'm gonna have to wait till 2010 to see Turisas live? Never been to Australia before, but I'm hoping that they get some dates in with their next album.
  11. Simon92

    Favourite Turisas quote

    My favourite would have to be in Tude's Bass Corner on the Finnish Summer DVD, after Tude's finished he sais: "Okay thanks you, Thanks you... What the fuck is Thanks You?" Don't know why but i laugh my ass of every time i think about that!