Alice In Chains cover.....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Been working on an Alice In Chains cover for my band Zero System. Heres what I have so far music wise. I used the Powerball on my POD X3. I like it quite a bit so far, but I wonder if its a bit to dark. I am still working with the drums trying to get them up to par. Any advice on how to make this sound better would rule.
Its my Gibson Les Paul Classic Custom. I was really trying to go for the same tone, just mostly trying to make it sounds really big and heavy. I am using the Powerball on my POD X3 set in dual amp mode.
Very cool! nice tone, a bit more scooped then AIC's tone i believe, but is has the same character and perfectly executed riffs, just like AIC, great stuff!