Catholic? RC


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2013
Hi I'm new to the site :headbang:

I'm just getting back into metal after 4 years of being off it completely. See I had mental breakdown 4 years ago and found God I guess you could say... And as a result I rejected my old life and everything about it, as I wanted to get away from myself I and get away from what I thought was bad influences . I was big into metal before the breakdown. but now having become more how to say become grounded, I was looking trough some old stuff that I had put away from the light of day. I found two Testament albums amongst other metal music and thought to myself this is not bad, its actually pretty good!

I don't want to reject who I am but at the same time I think I have found a real jem of culture and beauty which I will hold onto and that is the Faith.

Anyway I was just wondering if any of the band members are religious as in Catholic or if anyone on the site is.. I'm not really wanting to get into a debate about religion with people unless they show a measure of good will, and i'm not here to push anything down anyone throat!

All the best keep on rocking :D
Hi I'm new to the site :headbang:

I'm just getting back into metal after 4 years of being off it completely. See I had mental breakdown 4 years ago and found God I guess you could say... And as a result I rejected my old life and everything about it, as I wanted to get away from myself I and get away from what I thought was bad influences . I was big into metal before the breakdown. but now having become more how to say become grounded, I was looking trough some old stuff that I had put away from the light of day. I found two Testament albums amongst other metal music and thought to myself this is not bad, its actually pretty good!

I don't want to reject who I am but at the same time I think I have found a real jem of culture and beauty which I will hold onto and that is the Faith.

Anyway I was just wondering if any of the band members are religious as in Catholic or if anyone on the site is.. I'm not really wanting to get into a debate about religion with people unless they show a measure of good will, and i'm not here to push anything down anyone throat!

All the best keep on rocking :D

Hey dude! I envy you, congrats on discovering your beliefs.

I was brought up as a catholic/christian but now i'm not really anything because I don't want to believe in something merely because my parents told me to; I want to discover it (or discover my lack of belief) for myself.