Dirge, Rise, Burning Human & Holiday Feasting!

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
Loooong overdue update, and there's lots to cover so i'll jump right in...

New Dirge track up! i have high hopes for these guys in '08, and they just keep going from strength to strength, pulling off impressive feats for a currently unsigned band. For example.... spending several weeks on the Sirius Satellite Radio 's Hard Attack "Devil's Dozen" top 12 with the track "Forever The Martyr", the first one i mixed for them. Another strength they are able to draw on now is that Shaun has upped the ante by departing his longtime band Soil in favor of making Dirge his focus.... so, Dirge is officially no longer a "side-project", but a very real contender! The new track is called The Last Goodbye, and is now the top track on my player... it reached over 20,000 plays in less than one week on their own myspace page...so check it out!!! Link to 'em and add 'em too, if you haven't already.

More Burning Human is up now too... see the track "Self-Inflicted Crucifixion" on my player and add them by linking to their profile in my Top friends list!.... BH is killer old-school death-metal, headed up by famed Shadows Fall drummer Jason Bittner... and I'm doing some guest work on it too! i've just completed the mixing for two additional BH songs as well, at least one of which will be up on my player and their's very soon.

My first mix up for the new album of the Southern California based Rise is "Martyrdom", and you'll find it on my player and theirs. Link to them from my friends list and add 'em. These guys call themselves "blackened death-metal" and lay out of some of the coolest and darkest hooks this side of Atlantic, so it is an apt description. They are fronted by a Hungarian immigrant that has toured as a live fill-in player with both Behemoth and Vital Remains... so there's cred and history behind these guys and if your tastes lean to the dark-side, you'll be wanting to check them out.

So why am i writing a Blog on Christmas?? Food..... so much of it that i can't move away from my keyboard right now and may as well take advantage of the time before i pass out.... the annual family feast came through for me again, and I've successfully eaten myself immobile. I hope all of you had as nice of a Xmas as i did, and i wish you all the best for '08 and beyond!