how much would i get for my old ibanez destroyer 2

But i have the Esp Vip-2005 with active emg's i cant ever see me plugging into my ibanez again and i could do with the cash tryinf to save for a 6505.

haven't seen the destroyers on auction or sale before so really havent a clue how much id get but im pritty sure there a collectors item now so im think id get about 300 pound for it atleast.
set-neck full things made from mahogany, its got 2 ibanez humbuckers (not sure on the spec) and one dimarzio super distortion humbucker
with a Kahler Tremelo.

anyways im gonna take pics tomorrow and bang it on ebay just not sure of a starting price any suggestions ?

i heard somewhere that this guitar was actually designed and used by Phil Collen (def leppard) haha not sure if thats cool or not hehe.

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