Joey Sturgis Dubstep

8bit/dnb stuff like this is huge in europe. I love it but unfortunately its too gimmicky to catch on in the states.
Joey, is the sample in The Plan from Terrance McKenna? I just realized it sounded familiar to me, and I think it's a McKenna quote... if so, you're awesome.
Nice! I listened to all of them. "get ya game on" was my favorite. j$ is a funny acronym too- very creative!

Can you tell us what you used to get your NES sounds?
its one of the wave forms, square saw or triangle, i can't remember which one. its just a straight wave form. no modification.

Yup, NES wasn't much of a rocket science when it came to the sound chip...

The NES board supported a total of five sound channels. These included two pulse wave channels of variable duty cycle (12.5%, 25%, 50% and 75%), with a volume control of sixteen levels and hardware pitch bending supporting frequencies ranging from 54 Hz to 28 kHz. Additional channels included one fixed-volume triangle wave channel supporting frequencies from 27 Hz to 56 kHz, one sixteen-volume level white noise channel supporting two modes (by adjusting inputs on a linear feedback shift register) at sixteen preprogrammed frequencies and one differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM) channel with six bits of range, using 1-bit delta encoding at sixteen preprogrammed sample rates from 4.2 kHz to 33.5 kHz. This final channel was also capable of playing standard pulse-code modulation (PCM) sound by writing individual 7-bit values at timed intervals.[58]

So basically 2 Pulse wave channels, 1 triangle wave and 1 white noise channel and one for playing actual audio files, which was rarely used.
