Just a question


Sep 10, 2009
I've had a question that has been bugging me for a while, and I figured, why not ask the band themselves?

For the songs you have released on the demo for album #3, you guys seem to be incorperating more "death-growls" into the music. It certainly gives more variety sound-wise, but how do you plan to replecate that in a live setting? I just can't seem to picture that voice coming from Vince (although I could be wrong).
It's not so much a death growl as it is an alien voice, part of the concept to the new album. We're not 100% on it yet, the demos were an experiment of sorts to see what that sounded like and we liked it. Reproducing it live may come down to having someone else vocalize into their mic with an effect or something, playing the part of the other character in the story.