Merch at Turisas gigs...

False Joe

Who cares.
Oct 12, 2007
Sheep fucking land somewhere.
Well as I'm sure you all know, Turisas are coming to the UK next year, and unlike SOME bands, they're taking the courtesy to come to Wales, Clwb Ifor Bach.

So I wanna know what the merch is like. Do they do XXL t-shirts, what are the prices like for CDs and T-shirts, and is it okay to go to a gig in a different bands shirt?

Plus, it's gonna be my first metal gig ever, so what can I expect/be scared of :p
From what I've seen, I'd say the merchandise is reasonably priced. You might find stuff with lower prices somewhere else, but isn't getting it from the gig part of the experience?
As for clothing, I'm sure they got all sorts of hoodies and t-shirts, of variable sizes. Usually people wear clothes supporting the band, a band similar to them, or generally dark clothes to go with the music genre.
Altogether gigs are awesome way to spend an evening, grab something to eat before you go, especially if you're drinking, that way you'll be sharp throughout the gig. Also, if you're not used to loud places, I suggest earplugs, the gig is enjoyable even if you wear them. The music and noise is very loud in closed stages, though open air is more easy on your ears.
You'll sure find some people of similar interests at the gig, let alone get to feel the awesome atmosphere.
Enjoy. :)
Sorted :D

The Viking Horde was my first ever band shirt :D Got it a couple of months ago. Wearing it right now actually :p
Seems fitting to wear it to my first metal gig. And then after the gig I'll have a Turisas t-shirt of my own :D
Me too UtterCreep :D

Plus I got a Battle Metal and TVW t-shirt :D

You're in for a treat Go Forth, Turisas are probably the best band I've seen in concert. My first concert(s) was Download Fest. 2005 XD
Between 10 and 10:30 usually.

In hindsight, I wish I'd bought the last Turisas tour t-shirt, the one with the Union Jack as the sail =(
Pfft, I'm still in Sixth Form but I'm going :D

Don't think I have a lessons first period though \o/

Thinking more that if I rely on a parent for a lift they might be all "Blah blah blah. I'm not picking you up that late". But 10:30 is fine. Get back at 11, and I don't usually got to sleep till 12 anyway.
I'm going to the Edinburgh show, hope they still have some Battle Metal tops left (Battle that's an album title that was obviously not coined with Scottish glottal stops in mind...). The idea of the Union Flag on the VW ship was quite cool, but I just won't wear anything with the Union Flag on it, got a VW top instead, which suits me fine.
When I saw 'em in Bristol last year they had ran out of the t-shirts with the tour dates on them...much to my dissapointment.
Due to the merch restrictions by this tour, we're allowed offer you a limited number of items - but there's a fancy "Shields" design, an über-fancy Tour design and albums, so save your money on those.
It's totally normal that the headliner sets a limit on how many items the support is allowed to have and also that the support needs to match their pricing. Then there's also the venues who charge ridiculous percentages on the sales. It's a rip off business...
I mean, sure, you couldnt be offering like a thousand things of merchandise but...
The venues do get percentages of what is sold from the merch? Wow, I never stop learning...

was thinking exactly the same, the fear of not getting anymore what I´d want would piss me off^^