Providing stems for mastering while mixing with a 2buss comp

Hey brett whats up?

Nice to be here at the forum .

Have a great time at the CLA mixing seminar - i am sure its going to be interesting.

About the stem mastering - another important thing to check is this.

When a song is sent as stems - there might be certain things that pop up that were hidden in the actual mix due to the amount of audio tracks , sounds and instruments covering it up.

Things that might come up are: Jitter, hiss, clicks, pops, clipping and gear noise (if done with hardware, console summing box or external buss compression/ eq )

Sometimes they are so covered in the mix that you might not hear them - But as stems they are more clear and you might be able to hear that .
I recommend using headphones to check the stems - as they will reveal lots of that if present.

If you send stems that have noises they might come up louder and be harder to work with.

If there are no issues then all is good.

I have noticed more then a few times that stems had issues that were not noticed in the full mix as it was clouded or covered by the result of the tracks beeing added.

Thats just a small thing but very important