Relaunching this board!


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Even though Matt and Rob have been AWOL from here for a while, the Australian scene isn't as dead as this board would suggest. So that Jo doesn't feel so lonely when she posts stuff, I'm going to start posting too. Feel free to join in, go off-topic and talk about your dog, whatever.
haha hiya Brian :)

Have you seen the latest Kerrang? According to Rod the Editor this issue is the last for Oz. :confused:
I wonder if they could take the mag to another publisher?

How are the Blue Mountains today?
It'll be good to have people back here again! I hope this time around it extends to more than just death metal. While I love death, I like to talk about all different sorts of metal.... Depends who comes here I suppose.

It must be hard producing magazines here now. These days people can get all their news and a lot of reviews, articles etc on the internet. I used to love buying Hot Metal in the early 90s.
Winmar that was the magazine with the A4 posters yeah? I was trying to remember the name of the metal magazine I used to buy last week and a friend mentioned Hot Metal but I thought it was called something else. Maybe that IS it!
Yeah Hot Metal's the one. Best. Australian. Mag. Ever. :) I used to buy that all the time - loved it! It was the sole source of hard rock and metal posters for me. It's a real shame it's long gone. :(
Does anyone still have a copy? Wonder what happened to it? I used to buy HM and Street Machine magazine :lol:
I've still got all of my old copies somewhere. Some are cut up a bit, as I used to cut pictures out.

Mark's right, it did go to the dogs towards the end there. I suppose metal wasn't doing too well at the time either.

Jo I think it just wasn't viable in the end, presumably because metal wasn't exactly booming in the mid 1990s. The arrival of the internet sometime around then probably didn't help either.
I'm a fuckin' good hoarder. :) Every now and then I go through and chuck shit I don't need out, but still end up keeping a lot.