Season's End and Mercury Rain October 14th


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Me and Simon made the short trek up to Winchester last night to see Season's End and Mercury Rain.....and a great night was had.

Good to catch up with our old mates from MR and they were playing their second show with their revamped lineup featuring Italian drummer Claudio (Thy Majestie) and new guitarist Roy. The band have dropped the keyboards from their sound and have gone for a much heavier, "in your face" sound and it really works. I thoroughly enjoyed their short set and look forward to catching them again very soon.

I wanted to check out Season's End ahead of our show together next month in Southampton, and as I had never seen them before it was a chance to show some scene solidarity. Didn't get a chance to chat with the guys afterwards but we thoroughly enjoyed their set. Very tight performance, razor sharp guitars, thundering rhythms and topped off by the classy vocals of Becki. Awesome!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: