Undiscovered gems.


Dec 10, 2006
I'm bored so I'm making up a thread. Any little secret hidden gems of albums that most forum members here would like? I have 3 that absolutely noone talks about that I rave about...

Narita-Changes. Stunning powery melodic metal from Denmark. Can't recommend this album enough.

Masquerade-Surface of Pain. Hard rock meets Helloween, great band from Sweden.

Secrecy-Art in Motion. Thrashy proggy power lol. Pretty unique sounding band outta Germany in the early 90s.
One I am listening to right now that I don't recall seeing mentioned on here before.. In fact I think I bought from Lance King's table, but don't recall.

Auvernia - Towards Eternity


As quoted from what I saw on Amazon.com's listing.

"Hailing from Buenos Aires, Auvernia is a Metal band with varied influences, ranging from Power Metal, Black Metal, Progressive Metal, to classical arrangements, being this mixture the spirit of their particular sound."
I think I may have brought up this band somewhere on here before, but i would plug Scariot's Momentum Shift!


I believe there are 4 albums.The early stuff has a good power meal vibe to it, but it gets "proggier" with each release. For fans of Manticora and Nevermore. *prude listeners beware* some songs have harsh vocals. :)
Radakka - Malice & Tranquility

Incredible melodic metal from Chicago, released on Century Media records back in 1995.

Slick, featuriing Jon Dobbs & Dean Maltese of Radakka, playing Rainy Daze from the Malice & Tranquility record

Radakka - Black Orchid (an early demo, unreleased on a studio album)
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Yessiree.....Narita and Radakka are both very cool bands. Here are a few of the more "unknowns" (well, at least to me!) that I dig:
Capricorn -ST and Inferno....great "kick you in the face" thrashy metal
Affair -Face To Face and No Substitute....awesome melodic metal/rock ala Gotthard
Sanvoisen -Soul Seasons and Exotic Ways....fantastic "Ryche" style metal
Red Sea -Blood....best album Badlands didn't put out
Hollow - Modern Cathedral and Architect of the Mind.....a heavier version of Lethal
Conditioned Response - Pavlov's Dog and In Flagrante Delecto ....a lighter but still amazing version of Queensryche
Oh man I love Radakka and Sanvoisen. 2 more good picks. I also just thought of another one...

Edwin Dare-Can't Break Me.
All three Edwin Dare cd's are killer.
If you love Narita, you must check out (if you haven't already) Primetime. It's got members from Narita with Ed Hovinga singing, so it's like Narita and Crimson Glory mashed together. I would recommend The Unknown and The Miracle from them....good stuff.
Another band I thought of was Aces High....really good power rock, with Anders Johannson on drums.
Radakka - Malice & Tranquility

Both Radakka albums are highly underrated. Same as Onward albums IMO.

Black Knight - "Master of Disaster"
Hawk - "Hawk"
Hexenhaus - all three albums
Warhead - "Warhead" (awsome one time project with Algy Ward from Tank, Evo from Warfare and Wurzel ex-Motorhead)
Acid Rain - "Infinity Beyond"
Hammerheart - "Dreamworks"

And basically all Ossian discography since 1999, just because these guys sing in Hungarian it's not excuse to listen to their great stuff.

More later
Scenario- A Fearful Symmetry (If you are going to do DT style prog, do it right.)

Carisma- 1825 (a fantastic melodic prog concept album)

Siam- Prayer (what Queensryche should have done after Mindcrime)
Helloise "Fata Morgana" - some of the catchiest melodic power metal I have ever heard

Lord Bane "Age of Elegance" - maybe a bit thin in production, but more than makes up for it in talent

Shadowland "Ring of Roses" - Clive Nolan / Karl Groom neo-prog outfit that was a precursor to Arena and Threshold; while 15 years old, it does not sound dated at all

Thessera "Fooled Eyes" - classic Italian-esque prog metal; for fans of the old school material
There's tons in my collection...but 2 that stand the test of time for me...

Seventhsign - Perpetualdestiny (basically melodic metal with some prog influences & one of the greatest singers on the planet)

Without Warning - Step Beyond (progressive metal + blues = outstanding)

Ok there's 3...

Aztec Jade - Concrete Eden
Both Radakka albums are highly underrated. Same as Onward albums IMO.

Black Knight - "Master of Disaster"
Hawk - "Hawk"
Hexenhaus - all three albums
Warhead - "Warhead" (awsome one time project with Algy Ward from Tank, Evo from Warfare and Wurzel ex-Motorhead)
Acid Rain - "Infinity Beyond"
Hammerheart - "Dreamworks"

And basically all Ossian discography since 1999, just because these guys sing in Hungarian it's not excuse to listen to their great stuff.

More later

Totally agree on Ossian. A truly talented bunch. Awesome stuff.
I think I may have brought up this band somewhere on here before, but i would plug Scariot's Momentum Shift!


I believe there are 4 albums.The early stuff has a good power meal vibe to it, but it gets "proggier" with each release. For fans of Manticora and Nevermore. *prude listeners beware* some songs have harsh vocals. :)

I most definitely have the Japanese release of Strange to Numbers.