What was that recording program Dan posted?


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I remember a long while back I read something about a recording program Dan used and there was a link on here somewhere. Does anyone happen to remember what that was? I think he might have even used it to record Moontower? And thanks in advance for any help or info!
It was some kind of free recording program for guitar. I remember he, or someone, posted a link to the website where you could download it. It was something I had never heard of before and I can't for the life of me remember the name of it.
Sounds like you're looking for FreeFilter which is an eq-matching plugin.
Its not free though as you could think with the name :)

I don't think that's it. It was some kind of program or plugin that had a few different amp models like a POD or V-Amp would. Wish my memory wasn't so bad. :confused:
ReValver or Guitar Rig or Izotope Trash maybe? :)

It definitely wasn't Revalver. Don't think it was Trash either. This was a long time ago. Maybe around 2005 or 2006. It was literally just a webpage where you could download the plugin/program for free. It wasn't anything fancy at all.