Where do you work..what do you do?


Apr 20, 2004
Always Somewhere!
I manage a high end furniture and design showroom in Los Angeles county. I do whatever needs to be done to assist the client from selecting fabrics, placing orders, tracking orders and even service inspections at the clients home if they have any problems. You can check out our website at www.cfgs.com
I'm a software engineer for a really small company: http://www.sig-inst.com/

It's pretty much a niche market and we're gaining share on a monthly basis right now. We're doing a side project for another company that's got government contracts -- NASA and something for the Patriot Missile System. Yeah, PMS!
Wheezer said:
I'm a software engineer for a really small company: http://www.sig-inst.com/

It's pretty much a niche market and we're gaining share on a monthly basis right now. We're doing a side project for another company that's got government contracts -- NASA and something for the Patriot Missile System. Yeah, PMS!

wow! if you guys can figure out PMS you should make billions!!! :tickled:
:D this thread made me finally go down to that music/guitar shop in my town...i got a job there now. it's pretty cool, work after schoolfor 2 hours and then saturday mornings from 7-10 if i dont have a baseball game. woo, made my first sale my first day! although, there is nobody else working when i work, lol.
No-Mercy said:
:D this thread made me finally go down to that music/guitar shop in my town...i got a job there now. it's pretty cool, work after schoolfor 2 hours and then saturday mornings from 7-10 if i dont have a baseball game. woo, made my first sale my first day! although, there is nobody else working when i work, lol.

:D Good on ya! Working in a music store will be good for you. Do you get an employee discount?
kittybeast said:
wow! if you guys can figure out PMS you should make billions!!! :tickled:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, there's only one female there full time. One part time but it's the boss' wife. I've figured out all I need to on that subject -- I set up shop in the corner of the house farthest from the storm. :D
Wheezer said:
:D Good on ya! Working in a music store will be good for you. Do you get an employee discount?

i think so, but it's mostly a guitar store...so i dont really need anything, i use my brothers guitar if i want to, but being i dont play guitar it wont benefit me much in that way, but i can get a discount for friends :D
kittybeast said:
Way to go No Mercy!! you got a job that involves something you enjoy!

indeed. its pretty cool actually, i get paid minimum but i dont mind cos im young and dont need more right now...being able to control the musical surround system of the store as well as free play to any guitars in the back stock is well worth it...yes, i have achieved 1 of my goals, play metal all day really loud somewhere public that nobody can change :devil:
No-Mercy said:
i have achieved 1 of my goals, play metal all day really loud somewhere public that nobody can change :devil:

I work in a Convenince Store all night 3rd shift ... and your statement above is the reason why I like it!!! :D The money sucks and sometimes so do the customers but Damn I do love crankin METAL all night!!! :headbang:
JonnyD said:
The money sucks and sometimes so do the customers but Damn I do love crankin METAL all night!!! :headbang:

I get to at least play metal all day. I only get to crank it from about 5:15 to 6:00 in the morning. After that I've gotta tone it down a bit. Of course the looks I get from other people that hear metal in a "business" environment are classic sometimes. :D
I work as a high school history teacher. And I try to convert some of my students to metal. My average is 1 or 2 a year. Not bad considering most of my students are from Suriname, Turkey or Moroccon origine :)
No-Mercy said:
thats awesome, hawk. is there a certain time period you teach? ive always been extremely fond of medieval and ancient times, id say about 1,000 bc - 1500 ad.

Believe it or not but that exactly the period I teach to the first and second graders :)
Hawk said:
Believe it or not but that exactly the period I teach to the first and second graders :)

:devil: awesome!!

i actually got interested in metal through history...when i was in my 1st grade i had such an interest in it i really started getting into it, and that led me to discover my first metal band Iron Maiden (powerslave album) when i was in the middle of 2nd. and it went from there, :heh:
No-Mercy said:
:devil: awesome!!

i actually got interested in metal through history...when i was in my 1st grade i had such an interest in it i really started getting into it, and that led me to discover my first metal band Iron Maiden (powerslave album) when i was in the middle of 2nd. and it went from there, :heh:

Thats a cool story :) :headbang: Actually my biggest interests in history are US history [Founding era, Civil war and 19th century industrial revolution], the enlightenment and the rise of national socialism.

I also love the history of Philosophy.