Recent content by 7thSanctuary

  1. 7


    after about a month we finally got our shit back up there at go see whats up in the world of sludge yourdeadgroom Nice name, I can relate especially since I'm recently engaged myself. I don't know why I used the :( :( i just thought it looked cool sorry to be...
  2. 7


    good memory on that shit timeless lyrics like that still apply to my everyday life :grin: :grin: do you like the first shit better with John of the material with Juan?
  3. 7

    Sf Show Review And Setlist -- Rock And Fucking Roll!

    I asked Curran if he was going to be on an album and he said he wasn't holding his breath. I guess after Pat and Tim ditching they just said fuck it, Jeff can just do everything. The Soundman at the Pound sucked but Nevermore were excellent as always, they didn't drink as much as the last...
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    To honor CHUCK SCHULDINER please enter this thread

    Chuck rules and has been an absolute influence on my playing. I've been lucky in that I have seen Death on every single tour and my own former band got to open up for them three times, once at the Stone, SF in '93 and 2 times in Berkeley, CA. Chuck has always taken a very down to earth approach...
  5. 7

    Cannibal Corpse vs Carcass

    I agree with the wanderer. I enjoy both bands for different reasons, but as far as musicianship and creative songwriting Carcass is in an entirely different league!
  6. 7


    progressive death metal 1992-1997 RIP
  7. 7


    Old School Death metal infuenced by Early Celtic Frost, Bolt Thrower, Kreator and also doom metal bands like Sabbath, Trouble, Pentagram... site is currently down while we switch bandwidth providers but will be up again soon at in the meantime you can get mp3's at...