Recent content by A Picard

  1. A

    Corey's Rainbow in the Dark

    Hansi just KILLS on that song! With all due respect, I like BGs version better than the original!
  2. A

    Judas Priest: Redeemer of Souls

    Kind of sounded like a demo??? Not a finished product.
  3. A

    Solid Progressive Metal bands close to Chicago?

    VISION is from the Chicago area. I know they are working on their third CD right now. They are definitely diverse but I don't know if they would be progressive enough for you.
  4. A

    Vanden Plas "Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld"

    Anyone else think the new cover looks a lot like VISION's "The Other Side of Grey"? I only bring this up because I know from talking to Sean at ProgPower that he is a HUGE VP fan. TOSOG cover was done by Derek Gores (Kamelot), not sure who did the "Chronicles of the Immortals" [/URL][/IMG]...
  5. A

    Track-by-track review of the new SAXON "Sacrifice"

    Best release since KILLING GROUND.
  6. A

    who's the oldest who attends prog power

    I know Sean from VISION attends every year with his dad. His father must be in his 60s.
  7. A

    VISION: Hope & Fear

    I just cant get enough of this CD.
  8. A

    Queensryche / Accept / Dokken / MSG

    Thanks for posting. I wanted to get to this but work go tin the way.
  9. A

    VISION: Hope & Fear

    This is my favorite tune from the CD I sucks that they dont have the whole song up on youtube cause this little piece does not do it justice.
  10. A

    VISION: Hope & Fear

    WOW! I was able to purchase a copy from Sean at ProgPower and I have been listening to it ever since. I love the first CD, THE OTHER SIDE OF GREY, but this one is a huge leap forward. The title track is my favorite but I love the bass guitar in this song
  11. A

    EDEN'S CURSE presnts its new singer (new video)

    At least the guy has a some vibrato... Michael Eden (wasn't even his last name... makes me laugh when people say he had the rights to the name, he changed his name when Paul told him the name of the band, LOL) did not have a very strong voice. Although Marco does not sound as strong on this EC...
  12. A

    New Eden's Curse clips

    The singer could benifit from learning some vibrato... I think this is a case of a lot of studio fixing and others singing backgrounds in the studio cause live he was flat... I still think the music on the first CD was the best...
  13. A

    Ray Alder vs John Arch

    John Arch, I wish Ray could still sing like he did on NO EXIT!
  14. A

    New Eden's Curse clips

    I was disappointed with these guys live at Melodicrock Fest last year. The singer was flat and lifeless on stage, he needs to learn some vibrato and the guitarist just wanted to play a million miles an hour. I was disappointed cause I really like the songwriting (the bass player who I understand...