Recent content by acejhb

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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Yeah, the open g string phygian thing in inferno is very similar to trilogy suite, I agree with matt on not hearing the connection between summer and inferno, and I'd also like to point out that when a theme from another composer was used, it often appears in the name of the tune, ie "variation...
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Ah, thanks...I assume you mean the solo sounds similar to the theme?
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Luis, would you mind posting the times that these occur in both the symphony x song and the classical piece? I'm looking all through mass in b from JS and it's huge, can't seem to find anything that resembles smoke and mirrors.
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Thanks alot Luis!, man..thats quite a long list
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    They don't NEED to, but it's still weak not to.
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Also a friend of mine just told me that Damnation Game is a classical piece too, he said by Mendelssohn, I'm looking through a bunch of midi's trying to find it, I dunno if it's true or not though, anyone know?
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Tiz cool :P
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    and I'm not complaining, simply pointing it out so (like I said before) people can have a chance to listen to the original score.
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    Whats you're point? I know this, and the use of Mozart's requiem is extremely obvious, but not something as obscure as the bach concerto, which was given absolutely no credit, and this wouldnt be obvious for most people who don't really delve that deep into classical music. Still, I'm not...
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    Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise

    I think we can all agree that symphony x rules, and the pinella/romeo combo is awesome. but the more I listen to classical music, the more I hear blatant rippoffs, similar to yngwies constant use of bach themes. I was listening to Murray Parahia plays bach ( keyboard concertos nos.1,2&4) and...
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    just a little heads up for those interested...

    Someone should ask romeo if he'd allow it to be taped, that would rule.
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    Site Question

    I just have a quick question *I accidentaly posted this in musicians corner.. :|* When (if ever) are they going to bring back all the awesome content from the old site? There used to be tons of old pictures, live pictures, all kinds of awesome stuff..comprehensive gear list/pictures..Seems like...
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    Site Question.

    I just have a quick question. What the hell happend to all the awesome material of the old site? tons of live pictures, comprehensive gear list/pictures, I miss all that great stuff, when (if ever) are they going to put it all back? It seems like i've been waiting forever.
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    Micheal Romeo's pick

    Damn it guys...if you wanted a Romeo pick, shell out the $2 and buy it in merchandise, cheap bums!!
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    Defining Progressive to "Normies"

    I too gave up trying to explain it to the fools who listen to main stream crap, but i used to try. After id try explaining it id notice they would stare off behind me and i killed them. But the ones that were generaly interested in good music were handed a silver plater with where to...