Defining Progressive to "Normies"


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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OK - I wore my Symphony X shirt to school the other day - and I got the nice and woo-hoos from the 5 ppl that listen to them @ my school. Then 40 people are looking at it like - whats that? I wasnt sure how to define Progressive - so i just said metal. Help me out with a good definition of Progressive Metal, in words that a "normie" would hear.

I've given up trying the explain this kind of music to people because they either become completely confused or afraid. I get a kick out of people who have no idea who some of the bands are that are on my t-shirts and they say "oooo I like your shirt, it's pretty." HA HA
I've come to the following conclusion.......
Ya either get it or ya don't get it.
If ya get it, ya live it........
If ya don't get it, well, ya just don't get it, so fuggetaboutit.
Simple as that. :Spin:
I've come to the following conclusion.......
Ya either get it or ya don't get it.
If ya get it, ya live it........
If ya don't get it, well, ya just don't get it, so fuggetaboutit.
Simple as that.

Wasn't that Miles Davis or someone?
Or was that "If ya gotta ask, ya ain't never gonna know." That goes for what prog is, too.
Here the 101 rules of progressive metal (the single greatest thread in the history of this forum) come in handy...when a mainstream fool asks you what prog is, say something ridiculously pretentious like "the evolution of free expression and experimentalism in rock", but leave him to form his own defintion. He wouldn't have understood anyway.

note: I'm quoting from memory, I may not have got it entirely right...
I too gave up trying to explain it to the fools who listen to main stream crap, but i used to try. After id try explaining it id notice they would stare off behind me and i killed them. But the ones that were generaly interested in good music were handed a silver plater with where to get the music, what songs to download if they wanna listen to them first, and what the aldums themes are:
*TDWOT is mostly awsome metal
*The Damnation Game is more neo classical *Twilight in Olympus is neo as well but with more rock
*V is the most brilliant piece of work ive ever heard and its deep as well seeing as how its a concept album and everything fits perfectly
*The Od is back to metal with a revised shreding technique
I recommended Evolution, Sea of Lies, C&A, The Ac I+II, Of Sins and Shadow, Egypt, and of course The Divine Wings of Godlyness, but i doubt many gave them a try.
that was definatey and awsome awsomme awsomme thread!. I had so much fun. I wonder where the main man of 101RoP went. Harp Heaven, where are you?