Progressive Heavy Metal - The perfect music?!?!?!?!?!

†Russel Allen†®

The King of Terrors
Jul 25, 2002
SP - Brazil
That's what I've been wondering for these last days... I mean... progressive heavy metal, at least to me, has no imperfections (of course, when it's well-well-well perfomed by bands like Adagio, or Symphony X, or Dream Theater), and... tsc... has anyone here have the same impression that, there's no another level, beyond Prog-metal?!?! I mean... is Prog-metal the PERFECT MUSIC?! The "must" of the musical human evolution?!?!?!?!!?!?


Yes, I think so.

Progressive metal is the ultimate form of ear candy so to speak.

Lots of riffs, lots of heaviness, lots of melody....lots of everything! I love it!!! :rock:
I do not believe so.

Although it is my favorite genre i enjoy much more music out of the progressive name.

I really enjoy a bunch of other music as well. I love Sevendust, some Creed, Pearl Jam, STP, Alice in Chains (my favorite band of all time)

As well as some really soft music i may not know the names of all the performers that do it, but i do like it when im tryin to relax.

I dont always need it hard and heavy and intricate. i enjoy the simple stuff, with some well thought out meaningful lyrics.

Also what do you say when a girl asks you "what kind of music do you like?" Do you say "I love progressive metal" and they look at you like you have 3 heads. do you really want that? you got to broaden your horizons to other music too if you want to be a musically well rounded person.

Some life lessons of mine, take em or leavem dont make the same kind of mistake i did with that

No genre of music has any greater merit over another. The fact is that such a statement would be grounded in one's own aesthetical system, a system which isn't as crystalline or objective as say physics or chemistry. A glaring example, one a lot of you won't dig is that while you may think progressive heavy metal is perfect, I find it uninteresting and samey (Symphony X being a notable exception to the rule). In fact, the very word 'progressive' is grounded in one's own aesthetic values. The same artist could very well have regressed or not changed at all to me, for example.

Bottom line: There is no perfect form of music. :p
prog-metal is a great genre indeed not my favorite though i preffer Thrash and death metal over prog but oh well that's me:grin: i also enjoy more genres apart from prog-metal

Hard Rock
death and brutal death metal
classic rock
guitar rock
and some hardcore punk among other genres as soul of ice said broaden your musical horizons it's not a crime:grin::p
to soul of ice. Got no problem with your musical tastes. But to sell yourself out for a piece of tail, is a definate no for me. Where will it end if you end up hooking up long term with that person. Yu'll end up listening to nsync the rest of your life.
If its just to get laid, then dump her then you have my blessing.
The people I associate with know what I am talking about when I mention the bands I listen to, and that is a refreshing feeling. 9 times of 10 I surround myself with people who know where Im comming from musiclly. The people whom I associate with that dont know if Symphony X is a band or a videogame, well I dont talk to them about music, they are usally people Ive known for a while. I also have an extremely broad knowledge of music, so like If one of my freinds likes Weezer and I have an in depth convo about Weezer, The Julianna Theory, Creed or whatever, I dont like those bands but I can see why people do. As far as girls go, I DO NOT date girl who dont listen to underground music, its a mess, music is my life and I cant relate that with them its a waste of fucking time. Every girl Ive dated in the past 2 months, has either been into Death/prog/Black metal.
yes,prog metal the best!!!

prog metal is melodical,intelligent and it has a relation
with your everyday life. it has loyal fans and it has the
best musicians.(excluding some classical musicians).
dont get me wrong,i listen to other kinds of music too
classical,new age, and other metal genres.bands like
nightwish,helloween.etc i have heard too many........ . maybe 10 years from now
we might see other better genre,but now prog is
1. is only my thought,my idea,wich it's not real.


music for seekers of truth and myths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Soul of Ice:
Yeah, open-mindedness is no big deal, you just have to be be willing to try.

@ Skull_Punk:
"Bottom line: There is no perfect form of music."
Right. It's only perfect for your own tastes.

@ icedsymphony: "Where will it end if you end up hooking up long term with that person? You'll end up listening to nsync the rest of your life."
Well, I'd say it will end up in making compromises that maybe you are not willing to make.
It is definetly important to be open minded and accept all kinds of music for not every one likes the same thing. But to be that way only to impress others? None of my friends like the kind of music I love, but they are still my friends. You love music because you love music!

As for prog metal being the best, I believe that, along with other technical melodic metal is where the most skilled/talented musicians come from.
Perfect genre? Nope.

Not for me.

It's great, albeit sucky in the vocal department most of the time, but my personal favourite is heavy and progressive thrash, new Testament, Kreator, old Nevermore, ...Justice era Metallica, ...Rust era Megadeth, old Fear Factory, ...Burn my eyes era Machine Head etc. FUcking COOL heavy metal
Originally posted by icedsymphony
to soul of ice. Got no problem with your musical tastes. But to sell yourself out for a piece of tail, is a definate no for me. Where will it end if you end up hooking up long term with that person. Yu'll end up listening to nsync the rest of your life.
If its just to get laid, then dump her then you have my blessing.

i never said i would sell myself for a piece of tail. you should just get to know them better before you get in depth with what you like. Start off saying rock, then metal, then the other sub sub genres. Like the person for who they, not because of what they listen to.

Russell's passion for progressive metal is great, and I think everyone here in this forum shares that feeling (otherwise we wouldn't be here), but the question really should be how do you define perfection?

Obviously it's not defined by album sales, because unfortunately, the masses aren't hearing this kind of music. Mainstream US radio will never play symphony x or dream theater or nightwish because the bottom line is that you can't hum a progressive metal song.

Mainstream US radio is very unimaginative and conservative. The masses will continue to listen the lowest common denominator type of music, while some incredible music by lots of talented people will never get exposure here.

Unfortunately, this means many great, talented bands like symphony x, nightwish, kamelot, etc. etc. will never do arena tours in the US, and will only do obscure festivles such as the power progressive tour.

In order for something to be deemed perfect, a majority of the population has to be in agreement that said item is perfect.

With the lack of support in the US for progressive (and to a larger extent metal in general), it would be impossible to deem progessive metal as "perfect" since it goes largely unnoticed here.

P.S. - Before I get totally flamed for this, I actually am a huge fan of progessive metal, I just hate the fact that living in the us, I get the shaft, while buddies of mine who live in europe get all the killer music.
