Recent content by Adeamus

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    Attempting to mix hardcore + synth bass. Results underwhelming...

    Heya guys So a good friend and I got together in June and took a week to write some songs and record them. Ended up writing four songs in six days, 41 hours of writing and recording (not including setup and breaks) So I've been working on the mix of the first of the songs for a week or so...
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    Sonar compatable side-chain-able Multi-Band compressor...

    Heya guys So I'm quite deep into mixing my band, Screaming Mechanical Brain, new full length record. The issue that keeps coming up could basically be summed up as "Guitars, Vocals, Synth: Pick two" The synth and the vocals really hate each other with having the huge amount of frequency...
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    ZOMG! My Electro-Metal band is here to make you pregnant...(W/ Video!)

    Hah, just opened up for them about two weeks ago. We're all friendly and I know our bassist, Cass, and dro talk semi-freequently. Dearborn has also had us to his house when we've been on tour before and is a really nice guy though.. As far as for the guys who want to hear more of our...
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    ZOMG! My Electro-Metal band is here to make you pregnant...(W/ Video!)

    Actaully yeah... If you look at that huge shiny rack in the back corner by the drummer you can see two laptops running in synch to make it happen though. :-) We've got three tracks of backtracks going, and then MIDI controlled patch changes going on the guitar, bass, and a vocal processor...
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    ZOMG! My Electro-Metal band is here to make you pregnant...(W/ Video!)

    Word guys Turff from Screaming Mechanical Brain here again. I've posted a few clips here and there over the last couple months and I had a new video for the song "How We Became a Monster" that is on our upcoming full length. So we finally got around to releasing a demo and I figured we should...
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    Quick little tips on sounding like August Burns Red...

    Messangers is what I'm aiming for I found that just putting a 3db boost on the mastering software helped a ton with getting that sound. Now when you say Linear compression, what do you mean? doing a compression bus and then sending the kick and snare to that? or is that parallel?
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    Quick little tips on sounding like August Burns Red...

    Heya guys Alright, so I don't play in a hardcore band, nor do I have any interest in it, so lets avoid flaming me for that :-) Anyway, I'm a start up engineer who does heavy styles of music and the group I'm curently working on is a Southern Hardcore style band. Anyway, they want their...
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    Tascam fw1884

    I had one and it was the most awful peice of equipment I've ever owned...and I used to own a Crate Halfstack. I eventually sold it on ebay for more then I paid for it luckly and bought a Profire 2626 and a nice Mic and have been much happier ever since. Anyway, it has a huge footprint in...
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    triggering EZ drummer samples with drum-a-gog?

    Heya guys Been reading on here for a while and I figured your the boys who can help me the best. I've got a modest home studio set up that I use for recording demos of my own songs and I have a friend who has a little garage punk band whom I record songs for just for the joy of it...