Tascam fw1884

That was my first interface.... It was ok, but I got rid of it since I never used the control surface. Kinda a waste to have all that and not use it.

Otherwise it never gave me any problems, and the pres aren't all that bad.
I have the rack version and Im pretty sure it gets pwnt by the new breed of interfaces out there (maudio 2626 and focusrite etc). Pre's are OK but kind of muddy, drivers are just about OK on vista.

I wasnt planing on using the preamps on it im going to be using my preonus digimax 96k through adat. all i want this for is a basic interface and the control surface but i wana know how good the drivers are and if its easy to set up the controls in cubase 5 thanks
I had one and it was the most awful peice of equipment I've ever owned...and I used to own a Crate Halfstack.

I eventually sold it on ebay for more then I paid for it luckly and bought a Profire 2626 and a nice Mic and have been much happier ever since.

Anyway, it has a huge footprint in your studio, the control surface isn't nearly as useful as it might seem, and I had constant sync issues with it. It was always dropping the signal or jittering stuff outa time.

Agree, avoid!!

I owned one and sold it within about 12 weeks of owning it, It had firewire connection problems. Any cold weather and it would refuse to connect, it would sometimes take an hour and a half to warm it up and get a connection, apparently it's a very common problem with the internal FW card. Tascam recommended getting a TI chipset firewire card but that didn't make a difference for me.
Someone is going to sell me a tascam 1884 with 2 fe 8 add ons and an Argosy Console Desk (70-FW24-R) for 2000 canadian. Yes or No? If not any suggestions around that price for a stable interface and control surface. preamps dont matter all i need is 8 chanels of adat and a midi port. thanks for the help
Someone is going to sell me a tascam 1884 with 2 fe 8 add ons and an Argosy Console Desk (70-FW24-R) for 2000 canadian. Yes or No? If not any suggestions around that price for a stable interface and control surface. preamps dont matter all i need is 8 chanels of adat and a midi port. thanks for the help
As far as I'm aware it had nothing to do with the drivers, it was a hardware problem on the FW-1884's internal firewire card. One of the tech staff eventually told me about the firewire problem after I'd exhausted all other options:erk:

Tascams tech support (which is rubbish) initially told me to do all the updates and make sure I had a Texas Instruments (TI) chipset firewire card. So I replaced my PC's firewire care with a TI chipset card, installed all the new drivers and firmware updates but still had no luck. To get it to work I would have to bring a portable heater into the room, crank it up and leave it for an hour or so, then reboot a few times and then it would connect, without the heater it would never connect.

Hope that helps...
alright thanks for all the help i think im going to get the m-audio project mix instead. does anyone know anything negative about this one? thanks