Recent content by Allmetalrules

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    Ontario Pitbull Ban - Petition against

    I am currently the proud owner of a pit bull. Yes, I say proud, because my dog is the nicest, sweetest, most lovable dog I've ever owned. He gets the shit kicked out of him by my other dog...and that dog is half chihuahua, half pomeranian. Yes, he plays, rough, but the only time I've heard of...
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    Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns

    I find this to be my favorite album followed by Vs. the World. I bought it on a whim because i had no idea it was even out and simply saw it when i was browsing vintage vinyl...was happily suprised. It may not be the best in viking metal, and it may not be amazing, but its refreshing to hear...
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    another tour?

    i heard on smnnews that sym X might go on another tour in late april/early may with CoB and Iced earth...any truth to this, anyone?
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    Is anyone besides me going to the NJ metal fest?

    I know that not everyone here is lucky to live in NJ(yes...lucky...woo) but is anyone besides me to the NJ metal fest, because the line up is damn amazing for just friday not to mention if you're going, post...if not, don't
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    I've never heard an Opeth song. What's a good one to start me off?

    Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally Posted by Kronikle66 Ok, I didn't listen to every song... woulda taken WAY too long to download, so instead I just listened to the first song told. The Moor. Well I will admit I like the band...
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    this annoys the hell out of me

    i dont know if theres any truth to this or not but when Sym X cancelled on Halford's gods of metal tour, allegedly they claimed theyd be doing a US tour in late summer/early fall.....since this announcement ive heard nothing of said was i wrong and was someone being an ass just to...
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    I could swear hell just froze over (metallica's new setlist)

    alright ive heard the "metal snobs" comment before from people and i admit that if someone listens to prog thats usually how they turn out, but many people dont like metallica....and not because those people are "metal snobs" personally, metallica, like some other people here, got me into metal...
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    Could I ever be so lucky- again?

    youre a bit late, buddy...they cancelled
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    What other bands do you listen

    if you do end up checking these dudes out, start out with bailar conmigo and warum...warum is a really heavy/intense song....bailar conmigo is a mix of hispanic sounding music(trumpets, acoustic guitars, and the like) and heavy guitars....theyre a bit hard to find, but its well worth the...
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    What other bands do you listen

    i see all these posts about great metal bands and i wonder.... why is it i see no posts mentioning Die Apokalyptischen reiter.....granted, the lyrics for their english songs are corny as all hell...but their music happens to the best ive heard in a long while, outside of the prog...
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    german metal

    you might need that
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    german metal

    this is possibly the greatest german metal band, no possibly the greatest metal band, ever( except for their songs in english, those lyrics are just corny),...but Warum is probably one of the greatest songs ever. plus theyre also probably one of the funniest bands ever