Recent content by AstroCreeper

  1. AstroCreeper

    Behind the Music DVD

    Hey guys, just FYI.... Alex (thebaldbuyfromblacklodgevideo) was kind enough to send me a copy of this as well. He's the MAN! So, like Tex says, whoever would like a copy just let me know. Let's keep it going! Thanks a heap Alex :kickass:
  2. AstroCreeper

    Rob Zombie's Halloween trailer

    I guess there's been alot of debate on whether or not this movie should be remade. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Rob does with this. Anyway, here's the trailer:;_ylt=Av2y2oTtlEAoDoZYL8_o_D5fVXcA I dunno, I think it looks pretty...
  3. AstroCreeper

    O/T: New Uniforms?.... Why?!?!

    My thought exactly :Puke: :mad:
  4. AstroCreeper

    O/T: New Uniforms?.... Why?!?!

    I just heard about this and I had to go check it out. It appears my beloved Chargers decided to go ahead and change up their uniforms. Personally, I think they look like shit!! What do y'all think?
  5. AstroCreeper

    BEHIND THE MUSIC VH1 -- Set up a 'TREE' or sumfim'

    I would still love to see this BTM show. The only clips I've ever seen were the ones they showed before the reunion concerts. Not easy to watch though. I may have a way to get some copies made and I'd be happy to send them out also. So, if a tree happens, please send it my way!! :kickass:
  6. AstroCreeper

    Open letter to John Bush

    Too funny, I dusted off their first album this past weekend. What a great record! I'm still a fan to this day cause I can still overlook the wetsuit haha. No, that wasn't just for some videos cause he had one on when I saw them play in '88 I think it was. Great songs, with some funk to them...
  7. AstroCreeper

    O/T: Should a pro team be in Las Vegas?

    That's what would likely happen. So far the last couple of years its been rumored about, in no specific order: The A's, Marlins, Chargers (noooo!), Hornets, Sonics, Kings, Raiders, Grizzlies, Saints, Penguins, Thrashers, and a couple others I'm forgetting at the moment.
  8. AstroCreeper

    O/T: Should a pro team be in Las Vegas?

    With the NBA All Star game here this weekend, there's rumors flying all over town about getting a team here permanently. Personally, I couldn' care less. Its the NBA, so do you really think the average joe is going to be able to go to a damn game? Hell no, too goddam expensive. I just want to...
  9. AstroCreeper


    Heard it live on New Year's Eve at the Hard Rock. Not the best show I've ever been to. Newstead didn't even play, he got hurt or something, but they had Johnny Colt from the Black Crowes. Don't ask how I ended up there, wasn't my choice. At least it was free! The things we do for nookie...
  10. AstroCreeper

    O/T: NOW the Chargers fire Marty?! WTF?!?!

    Thraxx, thanks dude :kickass: Marty Marty, great regular seasons, big time playoff chokes. I'm NOT sad he's gone. The timing of it just pisses me off! Ok, I'd love to have either Mike Singletary or Ron Riveira but watch, we'll end up with a retread like Norv freakin' Turner.
  11. AstroCreeper

    O/T: NOW the Chargers fire Marty?! WTF?!?!

    Shit, this got posted twice. How do you delete a thread?!
  12. AstroCreeper

    O/T: NOW the Chargers fire Marty?! WTF?!?!

    Seriously, what the hell are they thinking? I understand why he's gone, and I can't say I disagree. BUT You let Cam Cameron go to Miami and Wade Philips go to Dallas and then do this? Why in the hell wouldn't you make this decision a month ago, when you could have kept one of those...
  13. AstroCreeper

    Oakland Raiders....Too sad for words!!!

    Hey, maybe Kiffin being so young could be a good thing. You never know, he could bring a whole new approach to the team that isn't 'old school'. That is, of course, if Al Davis will let him do some freelance and try new things, which might be doubtful. I think Flavio might agree with me here in...
  14. AstroCreeper

    O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

    Yeah, well I hate football right now. FUCK!!!!!!!!! :Puke:
  15. AstroCreeper

    O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

    The Ravens-Colts game was a surprise, but I'd much rather play the Colts in the next round. Of course, that's after hopefully getting past the Pats tomorrow, which won't be easy! Decent game going on now, with the Eagles up by 1 at this point. I'd really like to see the Saints go to the 'Bowl...