O/T: NOW the Chargers fire Marty?! WTF?!?!


Apr 3, 2005
Las Vegas
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking? I understand why he's gone, and I can't say I disagree.
You let Cam Cameron go to Miami and Wade Philips go to Dallas and then do this? Why in the hell wouldn't you make this decision a month ago, when you could have kept one of those coordinators and promoted in house?
Oh, cause that's just too logical. Jackasses!
I love my team, but this is just horseshit!
Thraxx, thanks dude :kickass:
Marty Marty, great regular seasons, big time playoff chokes. I'm NOT sad he's gone. The timing of it just pisses me off!
Ok, I'd love to have either Mike Singletary or Ron Riveira but watch, we'll end up with a retread like Norv freakin' Turner.
It was going to happen!!! If not this year than next.. What I saw on NFL Network last night is that The Chargers were thinking if Schottenheimer got off to a bad start next season they would fire him and promote Wade Phillips..( With all the bad blood between him and A.J. Smith due to letting 5 assistants go..It was just a matter of time!!)With that plan now dead they figured fire him now and get in a coach who will be able to win the big game. With the abundance of talent they have the right coach makes them a likely team in the AFC Championship and a decent bet to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl.

And just a quick (IMO) I think Norv Turner wants too much control to be chosen as a head coach this year... Alot of the insiders are saying that the Cowboys job was as good as his until he started making demands for controlling things that have always been run by Jerry jones.
He's got a good thing going with the 49ers... Should he stay with them they'll be in the playoffs in a year or two (Hell, it almost happened this year!!)

I agree with the guy who said Dennis Green will probably be their next head coach... I think Green lives in San Diego and The Chargers don't really have to many other options (Unless they want to go The Raiders route and see if one of Andy Reids sons are available to take the job..:lol: :lol: )

Thraxx, thanks dude :kickass:
Marty Marty, great regular seasons, big time playoff chokes. I'm NOT sad he's gone. The timing of it just pisses me off!
Ok, I'd love to have either Mike Singletary or Ron Riveira but watch, we'll end up with a retread like Norv freakin' Turner.
I heard this on the drive home last night and some local schlock here started throwing out Pete Carrol's name again.

IMO - If I was going to can him, It would've have been the day after the Pats kicked their ass.
They should replace Marty with Dennis Green. They are almost the same coach when the playoffs come around.
Local sports radio talk show stated that inner sources said they wanted to interview jimmy johnson or parcells. and Green won't get the job here.
Jimmy Johnson has said 1000 times that he won't return to coaching (And unlike most coaches I believe him..) and Bill Parcells has to sit out a year to satisfy breaking his contract with Dallas...I don't think Pete Carroll will leave USC (But you never know..) I already said earlier that I think Norv Turner will want too much control and A.J. Smith won't be too quick in giving any up!!
You're probably looking at Bears Defensive Coodinator Ron Rivera, Jim Mora jr., Mike Martz. Hell I read they're even going to interview Mike Singletary!! Now there's a guy who IMO is going to be one hell of a head coach when given the opportunity!!!

Local sports radio talk show stated that inner sources said they wanted to interview jimmy johnson or parcells. and Green won't get the job here.