O/T: EA Sports NCAA Football 2003, the greatest game ever


In all my years of gaming, I have never, ever bothered to by a college football game, instead I bought every version of the Madden franchise. Well, on a whim (w/ checkbook in hand) I picked up NCAA 2003 for the hell of it. It is, in a word; amazing. The very fact that they have every damned NCAA division A and AA team - complete with authentic stadiums, is enough to keep you entertained for hours upon hours. And the play book, so much different than the pros. It is fun to run the option!! It is also fun to take a team like Ohio U. or Cincinnati, and have them kick the shit out of Ohio State or Nebraska. I highly recommend this game.
I opted to not buy a Wavebird. I've got the cool "spice" controller and the other 3 colors, but orange "spice" is my favorite.

Are you a Kent St. student?? A girlfriend or mine and me used to go up there and throw down at some bar, I think it was called the robin hood or something. Fun times, fun times.
Attempting to get back on topic here...TD, I used to think the exact same way, but then last year I decided I liked college football better. Plus I wanted to play with Fresno State's sick-ass offense. Anyway, is there anything special about 2003 that warrants forking over another $50 to replace 2002?
Originally posted by TD
National Guard: 4
Kent State: 0

I just pulled the song out and listened to it and they make referance to the national guard at Kent State doing some Hippie hunting. I am not up on my history so can someone please inform me on the subject. Who's says you can't learn anything listening to metal?
Jeesh, don't you kids take history in high school???? Haven't you ever heard Neil Youngs song "Ohio" Well anyway, here is a link:


Now, call me a prick or whatever, but hey, don't throw rocks at the Nat. Guard. Duh!!! I was an asshole to a cop once, guess what, I got thrown in jail for a night. It was an unpopular war, but I have no sympathy for protestors. It is easy to protest a war that is a continent away. I feel more sorry for the vets that fought in that conflict. It is also easy to criticize the two presidents that inherited that mess (Nixon and Johnson) when you are a stoned out hippy. Like I said, they should have run over some more of those trouble makers.
Td, my man, your taste in music, beer and right-wing politics, makes me feel as though we were seperated at birth!

If I ever get down your way, you can bet I am going to look you up, for some serious fucking drinking & whatnot (if my wife lets me, hehehe!)

If you ever get up North, let me know!

Blatz for all!

Kill ALL hippies! Scummy, left-wing, pinko, good-for-nothing, burrs on the ass of life!
Actually my political views are pretty leftist, I however have no sympathy for hippies. As for protestors, you can protest all you want, but when you start throwing projectiles and making the environment unsafe for everyone, then you should get thrown in jail. Even though I am a democrat, I get tired of everyone bitching about how "bad" it is. You know what, the whole world sucks, the US just sucks a little less (Ted Nugent) so don't bitch about Bush, don't bitch about Clinton - call your congressman, pay your taxes, and read your bible and everything will be alright.
Hey TD,

I've heard that game kicks some major ass, that's cool. Hey Yall, TD is a teacher, ofcourse he knows his shit! Hey TD, did you get that Residen Evil yet?



PS. I should be a spokesperson for Capcom, I've gotten five friends to buy Resident Evil so far!
I still haven't picked up Resident Evil, because I know once I do, I will never leave the house........Plus I bought two more controllers so I would have 4 (I use my Cube at school every nine weeks if the kids are good, and I have lots of nieces and nephews) and I bought that bad ass new memory card that holds 4times as much as the old one. So I spent $150 on my cube this weekend.