Recent content by AtmosphericGirl

  1. AtmosphericGirl

    Black Metal bands that stand out?

    I don't know most of the bands you've mentioned. So thanks a million :D
  2. AtmosphericGirl

    Black Metal bands that stand out?

    I haven't heard of Valknacht, Orthon before. Thank you!
  3. AtmosphericGirl

    Black Metal bands that stand out?

    @Mort Divine I already know Ascension, Summoning and Katharsis. I've never heard of Dark Tribe and Inquisition. Thank you :D @KonkeyDong I'm a fan of Carach Angren :P but I'm kinda tired of Symphonic Black Metal right now... Thanks!
  4. AtmosphericGirl

    Black Metal bands that stand out?

    Hey :D Thanks but I already know Arcturus. I'm looking for more underground stuff.
  5. AtmosphericGirl

    Last movie you've watched

    The Ten Commandments (1956) It was great.
  6. AtmosphericGirl

    Favorite TV shows

    Arrested Development Game of Thrones Community Parks and Recreation Seinfeld Sons of Anarchy The Big Bang Theory Fringe It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Walking Dead
  7. AtmosphericGirl

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Suns and Voids by Noshahr
  8. AtmosphericGirl

    Black Metal bands that stand out?

    Hey! I'm new here... I need new bands to listen to... I like Avant-Garde, Progressive, Ambient, Industrial and DSBM too. I like Blut aus Nord Oranssi Pazuzu Sear Bliss Thy Catafalque Thanks.