Recent content by AyrtonSenna

  1. AyrtonSenna

    Back from Japan!

    The metalheads in Japan are insane. We had an incredible time and the reception to the band was amazing. Many thanks to our hosts Kay Koba and Mitoni Iommi for taking such good care of the band. You guys rule! Check the Deathriders myspace page for some great pics! Dave
  2. AyrtonSenna

    What is your reaction to Disney's new Anti-Metal Policy?

    The REAL question is; why did Disney permit HOB to host heavy metal concerts for so long? I like the HOB as a place, but yeah, the help can be nasty, and there is no reason to wait until the first band starts to let people in, even if the the first band is still setting up. Sometimes, I...
  3. AyrtonSenna

    Disney Forces Machine Head Cancellation

    looks like it is gonna be Disney policy, expect a lot more of this!
  4. AyrtonSenna

    Nicest Guitars

    Hey all, I have yet to find anything I like better than the '76 reissue Gibson Explorer I bought from some dude in '91 for $275. Yes, the PRS is nice, but its for fatwallets only! That ESP looks like fun though...
  5. AyrtonSenna


    What he said, and besides, if you travel with it, the TSA will just add scratches and dents for you...
  6. AyrtonSenna

    Death Metal = Scales?

    In listening to a fair amount of metal, I find "idioms" or certain melodic moves tend to dominate over "scales". Each band and guitar player seems to have their own take on soloing, some guys using overthought scale moves and other dudes using "bullshit licks" (finger exercises moved around the...
  7. AyrtonSenna

    How much money a band receives

    well, more specifically; a fairly well known underground metal band, has around a $500 to $1000 paycheck from live shows, but sometimes it's $0 too. Bands that you have in your record collection make $1000 to $5000 depending on numerous things, local market factors being the most...
  8. AyrtonSenna

    short question (connecting amp/cab, impedance)

    Yes, it all seems rather confusing, but fortuneately, what you are looking for is to match impedance of the connector to the cabinet(s). If you are using the 2 cabs in mono, you would use one of the 8ohm outputs for the 4/12, and the 16ohm outlet for the 2/12 you listed. So your proposal is correct.
  9. AyrtonSenna

    Lord of the rings Concert.

    Hey, Who besides me thinks there should be a concert of all the Lord Of the Rings bands? We could have Ephel Duath, Amon Amarth, Gandalf, Sauron, and a reunited Cirith Ungol could headline. Viggo Mortenson could be the EmCee. Did I miss any bands? Later!
  10. AyrtonSenna

    Machine Head........2003.....Hammer's Album Of The Year

    Actaully bro, it was mid set! It was great meeting you guys tho', thanks for coming! Later!
  11. AyrtonSenna

    2 great upcoming Metal Festivals

    I have it on good authority that the upcoming Hirax album will be good and they will be around again for a while...
  12. AyrtonSenna

    EPHEL DUATH vocalist quits

    Maybe they can get Viggo Mortenson or Billy Boyd, I understand they are prett good singers...:rock:
  13. AyrtonSenna

    Best Guitar Riff(s)???

    Yes, there are a gazillion great guitar riffs in metal, being that it is the definition of the genre! My faves include; Intro to "The Trooper" by the mighty Maiden Intro to "Travel in Stygian" by Iced Earth Main riff from "Fast as a Shark" by Accept Intro riff from "Refuse, Resist"...
  14. AyrtonSenna

    5 Favorite Bay Area Thrash Albums?

    I thought Agent Steel was from Los Angeles, they are here now anyway...
  15. AyrtonSenna

    5 Favorite Bay Area Thrash Albums?

    Yes, Metallica save for Kirk and the departed Jason Newsted is from Los Angeles. They are mistakenly considered from Bay Area as they played there frequently due to greater acceptance by audiences in their early days. Some of you mentioned another LA band, Megadeth. While Tom Arya from...