Lord of the rings Concert.


New Metal Member
Nov 15, 2002

Who besides me thinks there should be a concert of all the Lord Of the Rings bands?

We could have Ephel Duath, Amon Amarth, Gandalf, Sauron, and a reunited Cirith Ungol could headline.

Viggo Mortenson could be the EmCee.

Did I miss any bands?

add MORGOTH to the line up. and we would have to break varg out to play as well since burzum is also a lotr based name
yeah, theyve done an entire album on lotr (nightfall in middle earth). but i think if you added all the bands who based anything on LOTR, you would have a long ass fuckin list!!! and most of the bands would be power metal hahaha. maybe you could just have one day for only power metal lol.
what about bands who even have their names derived from it, such as nazgul and isengard? I would think all the viking metal bands(einherjer, mithotyn, ensiferum, thyrfing etc) should be there
damnit! there is a band called nazgul? fuck, i was gonna name my next band that. fuck hahaha

and btw, most the bands listed have their names derived from LOTR.
genocide roach said:
yeah, theyve done an entire album on lotr (nightfall in middle earth). but i think if you added all the bands who based anything on LOTR, you would have a long ass fuckin list!!! and most of the bands would be power metal hahaha. maybe you could just have one day for only power metal lol.

Maybe we can rephrase it to non-power metal day of LOTR festival? One day for extreme bands, ten for power metal??
genocide roach said:
yeah, theyve done an entire album on lotr (nightfall in middle earth). but i think if you added all the bands who based anything on LOTR, you would have a long ass fuckin list!!! and most of the bands would be power metal hahaha. maybe you could just have one day for only power metal lol.
Nightfall In Middle Earth is based on The Silmarillion which takes place before Lord of the Rings.
i know. but it is still tolkien and is still middle earth. if you wanna be picky to things only mentioned in the LOTR trilogy you loose alot of bands because they draw their names from things like mountain ranges (ephel duath), places (isengard, cirith ungol...) or characters not in the LOTR trilogy (morgoth, who is the guy responsible for sauron!)

maybe call it tolkien fest so people dont get knit picky. and i hope i didnt come off as rude, im not trying to be :)