Lord of the Rings and Metal

Lord of the Rings is connected to Metal simply because the 'epicness' of the music really suits the story.

Take Blind Guardian's 'Time Stands Still' song from their album, Nightfall in Middle Earth. Its based on one of the best events from The Silmarillion, the battle between Fingolfin and Morgoth. The way Hansi sings, with emotion and that haunting chorus actually makes me visualise the entire scene.

Besides the fact that Blind Guardian are incredibly talented, Metal in general is the only genre that can do justice to an epic like LoTR.
Cirith Gorgor and Cirith Ungol are both named after "paths" or "passes" in the LOTR world.

Cirith Ungol also had a song called Shelob's Lair that was never released by the band, but now released by Falcon, featuring one of the members of Cirith Ungol.
The list of bands influenced by Tolkien is vast. On a side note, I really enjoyed the Hobbit - much more so than the insufferably dull trilogy. Tolkien should have been pelted with rotten fruit for the abortion that is Tom Bombadil.
...where as the films, cool as they are for the depiction of Orcish hordes and uber-cool Uruk Hai, fail in that the depiction of Gimli is piss-poor comedy, and don't get me started on the fucking skateboarding elf.

Mind you, it's still better than than the Tolkien epic snoozefest.
Shut up, wannabe Hispanic. Why else would you live in a 90% hispanic area ? Get to your own Hungarian ghetto, loser.