Recent content by beniko

  1. beniko

    All Shall Perish, anyone?

    Whats up guys, this is Ben from ALL SHALL PERISH! I was totally suprised to find people talking about us on there, that rules! To answer your question's guys, you can get our new CD at for only $10! If your a cheap bastard tho, you can also find it on...
  2. beniko

    Underrated Opeth songs.

    Credence is an amazing song when your driving all night and eating Krispy Kreme donuts. Ohh.. and when the rest of your band makes the van reak like Fart.
  3. beniko

    Michael Moore: Pathological Liar or Moronic Ideologue?

    I have seen the movie twice. and I don't know whitch side to believe. Both have great points, and its just starting to piss me off!
  4. beniko

    Whats up UM!

    Sup guys, I play for the death metal hardcore band All Shall Perish! I found out about UM from a friend who said our band would fit in perfectly here. Looks like a pretty huge community, so its hard to tell where to start. Look forward to being a part of everything, talk to you soon! ben