All Shall Perish, anyone?

Elitist Jackass

Kill things
Jun 29, 2003
Chandler, AZ
I think they're an incredible blend of hardcore and death metal. They also have some melody, but don't come off as At The Gates/In Flames rip offs like a lot of bands sadly do. Worth checking out for fans of either genre, you can get 3 (I believe) mp3's at their site.
I've liked them for a while but didn't they end up signing to some fucking Japanese label so it's downright impossible to get the album here in the U.S.? For anyone who has it, where did you buy it?
have you tried the label, Amputated Vein Records? They only signed for "Hate. Malice. Revenge", so future albums should be easier to purchase if they sign to a bigger label.
Eternal Ruin are good. Woundeep's new full length will be great too, that has the ex-Vomit Remnants singer (I've only heard their sample, and a track off the new album). Gemisuadi are insane.

..Wait. Woundeep are on Unmatched Brutality, but I think Amputated Vein are releasing it.
good band, and from my local area. im actually going to see them on the 5th with other local acts osmium (thrash) artificium sanguis (black metal), hostility (pantera with breakdowns), and the venting machine (?).

the show is at POUND SF for anyone in the area.