Recent content by BlackBladeWarrior

  1. B

    Unleash The Dragon - New demo by BlackBladeWarrior

    Check out my new demo from the concept album I've been working on. Please note I wrote and recorded everything by myself so I know there are some issues with quality and such. I'm a guitarist first and try to be everything else second. If that link doesn't work chech it out on and...
  2. B

    Check out my demo

    Hey all, Please check out this song I wrote and recorded in my basement. Hopefully you can enjoy it. You Tube Please note, I recorded all the parts by myself one track at a time starting with the drums. I am fully aware of the short comings in this song, but I think the over...
  3. B

    Black Blade by Hugh O'Brien

    Hey all, Please check out this song I wrote and recorded in my basement. Hopefully you can enjoy it. Please note, I recorded all the parts by myself one track at a time starting with the drums. I am fully aware of the short comings in this song, but I think the over all sound is...
  4. B

    Black Blade! New Demo Check it out

    Thanks, I can't wait to get some more up to see what you think.
  5. B

    Black Blade! New Demo Check it out

    Hey all, Please check out this song I wrote and recorded in my basement. Hopefully you can enjoy it. Please note, I recorded all the parts by myself one track at a time starting with the drums. I am fully...