Check out my demo


New Metal Member
Aug 30, 2011
Hey all,

Please check out this song I wrote and recorded in my basement.
Hopefully you can enjoy it.

You Tube

Please note, I recorded all the parts by myself one track at a time starting with the drums. I am fully aware of the short comings in this song, but I think the over all sound is awesome and holds great potential. I have other songs that will hopefully be online soon, all of which are part of a concept album I have dreams of releasing, called Legend of the Dragon Rider. Note: I have no band name yet because I am not a band I am one man...

If that link doesn't work just look up Black Blade - Legend of the Dragon Rider on youtube. The Artwork is done by my brother if you want to contact him for artistic reasons I'll have an email address for him and I soon.

Note this is not spam this is me trying to showcase some of what I've written to the world to see what people think.
