Recent content by Bonjournaste

  1. B

    Just discovered!

    Yep, and I think I remember seeing that the Human album was not done fretless, but with the fretted Rickenbacker.. Human is one of my favorite albums ever.. If they ever went and remixed the album with a little more bass guitar, it would be untouchable.. I remember a long while back...
  2. B

    Fucking Excellent nice job on Quo Vadis!!!!

    ITP is a must, you can actually hear half of what the bass is playing, unlike Human.. Some people have posted saying there are drum and bass tracks floating around for Human? Anyone know if this is true, or just a rumor? I would die if I could hear those..
  3. B

    Death - Human

    Is there anywhere to listen to some bass/drum tracks for this album? I remember a few posts in the past where people mentioned it.. So damn annoying.. There is so many parts you can tell are too sweet, but can't make it out. This album was played with the fretted Ric right? I would be...
  4. B

    MP3 Steve's Work on new Vintersorg

    Agreed! Should be interesting to hear Steve's style with QuoVadis/Martyr style.. I'm suprised they didn't get Francois from Martyr, because he is a crazy bass player, and Daniel's brother.. Probably want to make sure the two bands don't overlap too much.. Plus the fretless should be...
  5. B

    Hollow Man

    What's the deal with Hollow Man? This was the song that was too good for Century Media and wanted to save it for their new record?? It's good, but one of the more generic ballads they've done, Where The Eagle Cries kicks it. I always thought Jon was going to sing this one.. I would like...
  6. B

    Jon singing in High Water Mark?

    It almost sounds like a less quality Barlow.. Maybe they left this part in from the original recording...
  7. B

    MP3 Steve's Work on new Vintersorg

    Most definately, I can't wait for it either! Daniel Mongrain from Martyr (#1 band in Canada) is playing on it isn't he? Did you get to meet him at all Steve? Got to talk with them when they played here in Halifax last year, very talented, and seemed quite humble to hang with. Quo Vadis...
  8. B

    Can anyone here play Hammer Smashed Face

    I got a plugin for WinAMP, it was called "amazing slow-downer" or something like that.. It was cool because you could slow it down, but it wouldn't change the pitch..
  9. B

    Can anyone here play Hammer Smashed Face

    there are a few good slow-down utilities you can get for winamp, etc that slow it down.. Helped me out when I was learning it
  10. B

    Steve on "Best bassists of Death" page.Seen this biatch?

    oops, would help if i logged in eh!
  11. B

    Steve on "Best bassists of Death" page.Seen this biatch?

    Stunned to see Francois Mongrain on there!! Very rare to see other people who appreciate Martyr's music!! I try to convert everyone I see! Best band to come out of the Quebec metal scene (and that says a lot!), quite possibly the best band out there right now IMO! Good stuff!!