Recent content by Bringer_Of_Dawn

  1. Bringer_Of_Dawn

    OK so ... Kamelot -The Chance - Poughkeepsie

    In my opinion roy khan is not skilled enough if we compare him, for instance, with Russ. He usually fails in higher notes and his voice is not very powerful
  2. Bringer_Of_Dawn

    Paradise Lost Samples

    In my opinion this album hides a lot details that must be discovered with several plays. I get echoes from the Divine Wings Of Tragedy (The last song, Revelation -Divus Pennae ex Tragoedia-, finishes with the same notes of the bridge section that are played in the Song "The Divine Wings of...
  3. Bringer_Of_Dawn

    Hope Russell Allen could read this

    LOL, they look a bit ridiculous dressed in that suit ^_^ I forgot to tell this before, but I love Glenn Hughes too
  4. Bringer_Of_Dawn

    Hope Russell Allen could read this

    Sorry man, but I don't know who you are talking about. I'm spanish and it's a bit difficult for me to understand a joke, if that was one. By the way, my favourite vocalists are Russell Allen, Jorn Lande, Freddy Mercury and Jeff Scott Soto. I think they are incredibles! Thanks a lot for...
  5. Bringer_Of_Dawn

    Hope Russell Allen could read this

    Thanks for your kindness, DoomsdayZach. I suppossed the band doesn't check the forum very often, but in spite of all, I felt that I must post my feelings anyway. Many moments of mi live have echoes from Symphony X melodies and Russ voice. Maybe it could sound a bit fussy, but it's what I feel...
  6. Bringer_Of_Dawn

    Hope Russell Allen could read this

    Hi everybody!This thread is just to thank Russell Allen for his voice, his talent and his passionate way of perform when he is on the stage. Saw him at the Rock Machina Festival made a deep impression on me and, in many ways, he is the reason because of I have started to take singing lessons...