Recent content by Bullrock

  1. B

    Happy Birthday Frankie!!!

    go frankie!! Let's drink beer :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: maaaaan, after all this beer...:Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
  2. B

    Which Anthrax albums should i get first??

    Yoyoyoy! Bullrock here, if any ppl are on the Iron Maiden boards, ya might know me from there :kickass: :kickass: Just wondered which albums i should get first, i like the Joey stuff, but i havent heard anything with the first guy or Bush. TELL ME! :kickass: :kickass: P.S: I brought you...
  3. B

    Is Dan Spitz still in the Band?

    i gotta get one of his watches or something :)
  4. B

    Iron Maiden's "A Matter of Life & Death"

    the album is kinda special to me since it was the first time i saw maiden live, and they played the entire album live. The one thing i remember the most from the concert is when they played fear of the dark, and the crowd goes wild...except for me :D