Recent content by carnh

  1. C

    Anyone ever seen...

    I'm just wondering what song you will use for the enormous flesh-growing-blood-splattering-abomination in the end :hypno: he he he
  2. C

    Other bands you listen to

    He he, cool, you're actually the first person i have met that actually know about Dispatched :) Too bad you don't think like me, but that's ok anyway :cool: Btw, something i forgot i my last post... you should also listen to "Chaos Feeds Life" :grin: ho ho ho ho, ha ha ha, he he he ;)
  3. C

    Other bands you listen to

    You guys (and girls) should really try the band "Dispatched". It's really skyfire-styleish, especially the old tunes. The album "Motherwar" is a killer and should not be missed if you like the music style of Skyfire.
  4. C

    First time you listened to Skyfire

    I got some Mp3s sent to me on ICQ by a friend. I had never heard of Skyfire before then. I got two tunes, From here to death and by god forsaken. And i liked them both. A few weeks later i bought the album and discovered that "From here to death was actually "timeless departure" wrongly renamed...
  5. C

    Best song on Mind Revolution?

    Mind revolution owns the entire album! :grin: It's unsurpassed by any other of the tunes on both TD and MR. I noticed it was a few seconds longer on the final CD than on the "pre released" cd ;) The best song got even better :loco:
  6. C

    swedish thread

    Det e klart det finns fler svenskar här, men de kanske inte orkar svara bara ;) Några bra band jag lyssnar på (förutom skyfire då) är Iron Maiden, Dispatched, Dark Tranquillity, Illnath, Children of Bodom och Stormlord. Vad lyssnar ni andra på då?
  7. C

    Skyfire on the road!!

    You guys should make a tour across sweden when you come back ;) After all, it must feel good to tour on native soil :D
  8. C


    Can't the European CD contain 10 "Bonus Tracks" ? ;) he he he
  9. C

    Skyfire music videos ?

    This is a question to the Skyfire members. Do you currently have any plans of doing any videos to the upcoming album ? I think that would be really cool ;) And what do all of you other Skyfire fans think about this, wouldn't it be cool ? :cool:
  10. C

    Skyfire is the exact opposite of...

    Ha ha ha. Nice sighting ;) To compare those two names, i must say that the name "Skyfire" is at least 100 times as cool as the name "Iced Earth". IE sounds a bit geeky in my opinion ;)
  11. C

    Favorite song off Timeless Departure?

    I voted for Timeless Departure, the intro is really cool, and how the song peaks is incredible!