Recent content by ChrisBuckler

  1. C

    Want to buy Jackson but need help!!

    Hey all i was wondering if anyone can give me some good advice. Im trying to figure out which of the randy rhodes series id like. I know i want a V but im having trouble figuring out which one is the sickest. Could u guyz gimi a hand? (im trying not to spend over 1500 :)):hotjump:
  2. C


    with the divided pick up how does that work?
  3. C

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    sweet thanks unknown, i decided im going to go with the roland gr20
  4. C

    Crazy Satch Harmonics?

    ohhh never mind i see what ur saying, sweet i didnt know u could do that with 7 too, thanks bro, taught me a lesson :)
  5. C

    Crazy Satch Harmonics?

    yeah, 15, too i was guessing he knew that, i just said 12 frets kus he wasnt playing a note on the fret board, satr was playing an invisible not past the end of the neck
  6. C

    Petals and Pick ups

    With the Roland GR20, the GK-3 Divided Pickup that comes iwth it, does the petal operate totaly of this pick up, or does the pick up just help sharpen up the sound, if i planned on buying this petal, would their be a point in buying good pick ups?
  7. C


    yo, the GK-3 Divided Pickup that comes with the rolang gr20's, is it just like a clip on style thing, will it still run off the pick ups in my guitar, or wikll it only be just this pick up?
  8. C


    ya man warlock, floyd rose, the guy at tonys one stop, told me that if i wanted the zack wilde pick ups (combo set) hed do all the milling and shit for the battery pack for free kus ther eisnt a spot for them in the bc rich so thats kinda sweet, is the roland gr20s what children of bodom is...
  9. C


    Bro, ur my fuckin hero, oh, u llook like a bc rich fan, what ur input on the bc rich se pro, im thinkin about ordin one, about what does that system cost? ty
  10. C

    Children of Bodom: Are You Dead Yet?

    Hey ALL, im a big COB fan, i fuckin love their melodic metal, if thats what the classical metal style is refered to haha. But i need some help, i wanna start up a sick band, something along the style of cob's classical stlye, but with a chick singer, can anyone help me by telling me how cob has...
  11. C


    cmon guyz, i need u on this one :cry:
  12. C

    Bass Tips Anyone?

    yo, when i first started, the easiest way for me that got me cathcin on quick, was guitar pro man it really helps alot, i think guitar pro 5 is out but u can get version 4 easy on the net. u can download GP4's from mysongbook, (type mysongbook in google) its like searching for a tab, but when u...
  13. C

    Whats your Favorite scale

    yo bro, scales dont take away originality, they are the basis of it, A scale is a guidline, the improv is urs to make ur own, unique. Erruption, sick song, sounds incredably un original, and its all scales.
  14. C

    Crazy Satch Harmonics?

    Yo, i might know what ur talkijng about, ive never seen the video, but if u got awhammy bar, u can make any sick harmonic u want, what i think he might be doing is, on a guitar u can make any fret u want into a harmonic, as long as u go 12 frets back. for example if u want a harmonic on the...
  15. C


    Hey ALL, im a big COB fan, i fuckin love their melodic metal, if thats what the classical metal style is refered to haha. But i need some help, i wanna start up a sick band, something along the style of cob's classical stlye, but with a chick singer, can anyone help me by telling me how cob has...