Recent content by Clammy

  1. Clammy

    Motorhead North America!

    Man, I wish I could say... as far as I know, Massacre is working on getting North American distribution, but that's all I know. Hey, you know we're playing in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil next month? Any chance that's close enough for you to make a gig? Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  2. Clammy

    Motorhead North America!

    I was at the Anaheim show, and as always, they KILLED! I'll be seeing them again next week in Toronto. I bumped into Lemmy a couple of weeks before the Anaheim gig at The Rainbow in Hollywood. Was great to talk to him again. Such a cool guy! :notworthy I also got to hang out with Kittybeast...
  3. Clammy

    Blackie Lawless

    Ask him if he still cancels shows because his giant mic stand won't fit on stage (yeah, I,and many others, got fucked out of TWO shows in 2 different cities over 3 days with that reason given for the cancellations... plus I knew the promoter of one of the shows, and he lost his deposit. I was a...
  4. Clammy

    Happy Birthday Sixx!

    Happy belated birthday, man! Hope it was METAL!!!! :D Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  5. Clammy

    Old School Metal Head Influences....

    It started with KISS around 1977/78, then I got into NWOBHM bands like Maiden, Priest around 1980, then I heard Motorhead, Metallica, Exciter, Megadeth, etc... in the early 80s. Been a Metalhead since the beginning, heheheh... I actually discovered AC/DC, Sabbath, Diamond Head, etc... later in...
  6. Clammy

    Matt Sorum in Motorhead!

    I just saw Motorhead in Montreal last Thursday (Sept. 3), and Mikkey was there. :kickass: We'd been told that Matt Sorum was going to be playing the show, and we all went WTF? Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  7. Clammy

    Motorhead appreciation thread

    Just saw them in Montreal last Thursday. They killed as usual! :kickass: After the show we bumped into Lemmy at a strip club, heheheh... Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  8. Clammy

    Sweden Rock Cruise

    Anyone planning on going on the Sweden Rock Cruise, Oct 8-9? We just confirmed our appearance there, and it would be cool to meet up with some of you for some drinks. Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  9. Clammy

    do you care?

    Did you see RATT at the Atarfe Vega Rock show? We played that one on the same day as them. I had a great time, and we wound up hanging out with them at the airport the next day on our way home. Cool guys. Warren DiMartini is really quiet, and humble. Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  10. Clammy

    An 80's Blast from the Past for me... and unheard Classic for You!

    Local boys! Brian Pallister, the guitarist, actually did the artwork on our latest (and I believe the previous couple Exciter CDs) CD - Thrash Speed Burn! :rock: Small world, hehehe.. Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  11. Clammy

    JD's mom died :-(

    I do, every day, man. And, you're welcome. I hope it helps a bit. Take care. Clammy
  12. Clammy

    Sword - Metalized reissue

    Didn't he then move on to doing French pop music? I seem to remember seeing one or two vids back in the day... Sword was a great band and Metalized is an AWESOME album!! I still have my vinyl copy. I'll have to pick it up on CD!! I actually saw them live when they were touring to support that...
  13. Clammy

    UMOS My Space Links

    This is my personal profile: Exciter's official profile: Cheers! :rock::rock::rock:
  14. Clammy

    JD's mom died :-(

    Nope, you're not flogging anything. I will be a total wreck when my mom goes... there are few things I am truly afraid of, my mom dying is at the top of the list. Take care, man, and take as much time as you need to grieve. Clammy
  15. Clammy

    JD's mom died :-(

    Man, I am really sorry for your loss. Take care. Clammy