Motorhead North America!


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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A good set of dates in America (headlining) from the mighty Motorhead has become a rare thing. Glad to see they are doing it up right this year, and damn straight I'll be at the SF date!

Jan. 25 - Anaheim CA - House of Blues
Jan. 28 - Reno NV - Knitting Factory
Jan. 29 - Las Vegas NV - HOB
Jan. 31 - San Diego CA - HOB
Feb. 02 - San Francisco CA - Warfield
Feb. 04 - Seattle WA - Sodo
Feb. 05 - Portland OR - Roseland
Feb. 07 - Vancouver BC - Vogue
Feb. 09 - Edmonton AL - EEC
Feb. 10 - Calgary AL - Flames Central
Feb. 12 - Winnipeg MT - Burton
Feb. 15 - Minneapolis MN - 1st Ave
Feb. 16 - Milwaukee WI - Rave Ballroom
Feb. 17 - Kansas City MO - Midland Theatre
Feb. 19 - Chicago IL - Congress
Feb. 20 - St. Louis MO - Pops
Feb. 22 - Grand Rapids MI - Orbit
Feb. 23 - Detroit MI - Royal Oak
Feb. 25 - Kitchener ONT - Elements
Feb. 26 - Toronto ONT - Koolhouse
Feb. 28 - New York NY - Best Buy
Mar. 01 - Boston MA - House of Blues (Avalon)
Mar. 03 - Sayerville NJ - Starland Ballroom
Mar. 04 - Atlantic City NJ - House of Blues
Mar. 08 - Austin TX - Stubb's
Mar. 10 - Tempe AZ - Marquee Theatre
Mar. 11 - Los Angeles CA - Nokia Live
I can't believe, they playing Reno when I'm not there anymore (I miss them once there) . Anyway they'll play here on April 6th.
Don't know if you guys seen this one before but it's kind of cool that Brian May played with Motorhead... though I always thought Brian was overrated and imo is out of his league in this clip:

I was at the Anaheim show, and as always, they KILLED! I'll be seeing them again next week in Toronto.

I bumped into Lemmy a couple of weeks before the Anaheim gig at The Rainbow in Hollywood. Was great to talk to him again. Such a cool guy! :notworthy

I also got to hang out with Kittybeast while I was in L.A.! Always great to see her! :D


Can't wait for the show next week!!! :kickass:

Clammy I just hate you!

BTW, when "Death Machine" will be available in USA?. I have been tracking everywhere without results or at very expensive prices.
> 50% chance I'm gonna attend the April 6th show here.
Clammy I just hate you!

BTW, when "Death Machine" will be available in USA?. I have been tracking everywhere without results or at very expensive prices.

Man, I wish I could say... as far as I know, Massacre is working on getting North American distribution, but that's all I know.

Hey, you know we're playing in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil next month? Any chance that's close enough for you to make a gig?

Hey, you know we're playing in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil next month? Any chance that's close enough for you to make a gig?

Argentina will be neat because I have my family there, alas I can't go anywhere for a couple of months due to work stituations :erk:

I found the CD on eBay at a reasonable price from a seller in UK, hope to get it.
I'm still have to negotiate for April 6th. My shift officially ends at 16:00, but I would like to get earlier to the venue to be able to pick a better spot. But 90-something% chance I'm gonna go, for Lemmy's sake!