Recent content by combo666

  1. combo666

    Rammstein live rig...only 6 rectifiers in a rack

    From TC Electronics myspace site: Ricards Live rig
  2. combo666

    Motu Zbox, it works !!!

    I just bought the Zbox from Motu, just to try it and see if it did a better job than my cheapo DI. And it works !! :rock: The effect is subtle, but my tone differently sound thicker and has more bite, like a real amp would have. And it seemed even better on my bass with passive pu's. So...
  3. combo666

    To all Eleven Rack owners

  4. combo666

    To all Eleven Rack owners

    Hi there I think it would be really nice to hear some good (if possible) hi-gain tones from the Eleven Rack. I have searched all over the www and only seem to find a lot of soft rock soloing (boring...) I am really interested in this thing and the local deal don't have them in stock...
  5. combo666

    New Fear Factory song!

    I like it!
  6. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

    Thanks "Everybody" :) And "TheXRatedDodo" you need to relax and stop calling me stuff like "lazy little shit", i don't remember speaking badly about you !!! I am just trying find a solution to a problem, so if you can't or are not willing to help, why are you wasting your time on this...
  7. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

    OK! Guys relax! I'm not here to try to steal your sound or steal your work or anything like that !!! I was just trying learn something new! I have been EZDrummer for some years and have been using SSD LE since it came out. So it's not like i haven't tried, i just don't the same "ear" as you...
  8. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

    They are talking about doing it on the Steven Slate Forum So this being a metal forum, i thought this would be a good place to ask.
  9. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

    Sorry for posting in the wrong place !!
  10. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

    I know, and i have searched and learned alot on this great forum. But i thought it would make good sense to see how you other guys do it. And learning that way around. I don't live english speaking country, so sometimes the techtalk goes right over my head, so i want to see how it's done.
  11. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

  12. combo666

    Steven Slate Drums LE Presets ??

    Does anyone of you super producing sneapsters have some pro sounding presets for SSD LE, that you are willing to share ?? I (being noob'ish with drums) am having a hard time getting a good metal sound (a la Killswitch Engage and Devildriver). Thanks in advance :)
  13. combo666

    Recommend some chuggy heavy stuff....

    Everything by HIMSA! The funniest band ever!!! And they are nice guys too!
  14. combo666

    Recommend me some great newer metal!

    HIMSA - Courting Tragedy and Disaster (2003) HIMSA - Hail Horror (2006) HIMSA - Summon in Thunder (2007) The production isn't the best, but the songs f***ing rock
  15. combo666

    Looking for female-fronted metal bands, I need your help!

    Du'h!! Sorry! Didn't see what you were NOT looking for!! But still Candice rocks !! ;) It's more hardcore that metal, but Candice from Walls of Jericho, kick ass !!!!!