Recent content by cooldude76230

  1. C

    Tuning for new album?

    What tuning are they using on the new album? The low end sounds really tight so I'm thinking they are using 7 string guitars. Is this correct? Im trying to tab out Lost.
  2. C

    A Touch of Blessing tabs?

    i dont understand exactly which of the notes are what length.
  3. C

    A Touch of Blessing tabs?

    i used powertab but i cant seem to figure out any rythms so im gonna quit. haha
  4. C

    A Touch of Blessing tabs?

    I think the tuning is C. (it may be different but I figured out the notes anyway) I cant get a good view on the video to see how they are fingering the power chords though.
  5. C

    A Touch of Blessing tabs?

    Im tabbing out a touch of blessing and Im not sure what the timing is for the intro.(Ive tabbed the notes already) Is it in 12/8 because it seems like it is but i want to be 100% sure
  6. C

    Fan Sites?

    Does anyone have some links to Evergrey fan sites? I need 3 fan site links for my project I'm doing.
  7. C

    I need some help here...

    I'm doing an Evergrey project for my computer class for school and I need some more info about the band. It would be great if I could find info about each member (other than whats on the Evergrey site) Any help would be appreciated. :)