Recent content by corellia_guitar

  1. corellia_guitar

    New song with vocals by Corelia ('Aviation' - progressive/technical metal)

    Hey there, my band Corelia just uploaded a rerecorded version of our song 'Aviation', now with vocals from our singer Ryan. We also have a new Myspace layout present on our page so check that out too. We are now hard at work recording/preparing our debut EP. It should be out within the next few...
  2. corellia_guitar

    New song by my band Corellia.. Axe FX / S2.0 content

    thanks for the replies guys! hahah, i wouldn't go that far. SikTh cannot be topped!
  3. corellia_guitar

    New song by my band Corellia.. Axe FX / S2.0 content

    hey there.. my band just uploaded a new track to our page titled 'Red Sky Harbor'. we recorded this one at our friend Matt's studio again using an Axe FX for all guitars, Superior 2.0/some other samples for the drums, and a Sans Amp preamp for the bass. For the Axe FX we used the FAS Modern amp...
  4. corellia_guitar

    New song from my band Corellia (Superior 2.0, Axe FX content)

    Hey guys thanks for the feedback and the nice compliments on the music! I'll take it all into account when we go back into the studio. About the pumping, it was actually a fluke on my part.. not the guy we recorded with. It's a long story, but when we re-upload the track with vocals recorded...
  5. corellia_guitar

    New song from my band Corellia (Superior 2.0, Axe FX content)

    Sup guys.. my band just uploaded a new song to our myspace page. We worked with our good friend Matt Murphy at his home studio to record this track and there are many more songs to come in the near future. He used Superior 2.0 for all of the cymbals and toms, and Battery to trigger some snare...
  6. corellia_guitar

    Quick idea/Quick mix

    Yeah man thats really awesome sounds for amplitude. Grats
  7. corellia_guitar

    how do noise!?

  8. corellia_guitar

    My late christmas gift to you guize: Full song ready to be mixed

    Thats just awesome dude. Much appreciated:notworthy
  9. corellia_guitar

    My current project...

    The snare sound very distant and un-present. Thats my biggest beef with this. good job:rock:
  10. corellia_guitar

    Quick mix of a new Fireland song

    Id say turn drums down a tad. But overall a really great mix.
  11. corellia_guitar

    I think I need to stop smokin'

    Haha, sounds trippy dude.
  12. corellia_guitar

    Again, Meshuggah with VSTi: Combustion (with vocals!!)

    btw which VSTs are you using for guitars and bass
  13. corellia_guitar

    Carl Sagan Metal \m/ anyone care to mix?

    sounds really cool. Carl Sagan is my hero.
  14. corellia_guitar

    God of War 3

    best demo ever. fuck i can't wait to play the full game!!
  15. corellia_guitar

    Fuck Women

    cool thread! would read again!